
The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act:

This Act provides for a system of programs for individual commodities to promote, control and regulate production, transportation, packing, storage and marketing of natural products in the province, including prohibition of that production, transportation, packing, storage, and marketing in whole or in part.

The Vegetable Marketing Commission, established under this Act, requires producers to obtain a producer's license. As well, the commission designates the agencies through which the produce may be marketed and restricts the amount of vegetables that a farmer may send to market when supply exceeds demand.

The regulated components are:
-greenhouse vegetable crops including beefsteak tomatoes, tomatoes-on-the-vine, peppers and cucumbers;
-processing vegetable crops including peas, beans, corn, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cole crops, and strawberries; and
-storage crops including potatoes, carrots, rutabagas and others.

Primary Contact (for obtaining a Producer's Licence):

Vegetable Marketing Commission
#207 - 15252 32nd Ave
Surrey BC Canada V3S 0R7
Tel: 604-542-9734

Agricultural Produce Grading Act:

This Act provides the legislative framework for quality control standards for specific agricultural products through the establishment of grading systems. The grading systems are established for each product by regulation under the Act. The Act may be applied to produce grown, slaughtered, produced, kept, sold or offered for sale or consumption in the province. This Act also outlines a licensing system, and the powers and duties of inspectors responsible for enforcing the legislation.

This Act may also set grade and package standards.

Primary Contact

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
BC Farm Industry Review Board
PO Box 9129, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9B5
Tel: (250) 356-8945
Fax: (250) 386-513
Email: firb@gov.bc.ca
Website: http://www.firb.gov.bc.ca/

Verified: August 2007