Mobile Homes/Manufactured Homes

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Manufactured Home Act:

This Act governs the ownership and movement of manufactured homes in the province. The Act establishes the Manufactured Home Registry and requires that sales and transfers of ownership in manufactured homes be registered in the registry. The Act also requires that transport permits be issued by the registry before a manufactured home may be moved to a new location.
Several types of Manufactured Home Registry transactions are available through Manufactured Home Online. Transactions include search, new home registration, residential exemption, transport permit, and transfer.

Primary Contact:

Ministry of Finance
Registrar, Manufactured Home Registry
PO Box 9431 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC, V8W 9V3
Tel: (250) 356-8600
Fax: (250) 387-5640

Secondary Contact

Manufactured Home Online
Corporate and Personal Property Registries
2nd Floor, 940 Blanshard Street
Victoria, British Columbia

Mailing Address:
PO Box 9431 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9V3

Tel: 250 356-8601

Motor Dealer Act:

Anyone selling mobile homes requires a Motor Vehicle Dealer's License from the Superintendent of Insurance.Mobile Homes are considered vehicles unless permanently anchored down; then, they are considered real estate.

This Act governs licensing and regulation for businesses involved in the sale of motor vehicles. Under this Act, prospective car dealerships must submit applications for approval. Registered Motor Dealers require adequate signage, and premises and a repair facility or a proper repair service contract. They must contribute to the Motor Dealer Customer Compensation Fund.

Primary Contact

Motor Vehicle Sales Authority of BC
# 150 - 6400 Roberts Street
Burnaby, B.C.
V5G 4C9
Tel: 604-294-9889
Toll Free Consumer Line: 1-877-294-9889
Fax: 604-294-9313
Email: (consumer enquiries and complaints) (motor dealer enquiries and issues) (salesperson enquiries and issues)

Motor Dealer Act:

Motor Dealer Licensing:

Commercial Transport Act

This is the Act under which commercial vehicles are registered and licensed. An annual licence fee is paid. The Act also oversees the legal operating requirements for commercial vehicles, establishment of weigh stations and the collection of fees. Oversize, overweight and highway crossing permits may also be obtained.

Vehicles used to move mobile homes must be registered and licensed under this Act.

This Act sets legal vehicle and axle loads and vehicular (load) dimensions.

Oversize and overweight permits may be available on selected refutes (i.e. those units falling outside accepted size guidelines), provided certain conditions are met.

Pilot cars are typically required for the movement of mobile homes.

Commercial transport policies govern the minimum braking requirements on mobile homes.

Commercial transport policies govern the minimum braking requirements on mobile home dollies.

Primary Contact

See blue pages (Government of BC) for the local Motor Vehicle Branch.

Ministry of Transportation
Motor Vehicle Branch
2631 Douglas St., Victoria, BC V8T 5A3
Tel: (250) 387-4789
Fax: (250) 356-8986

Verified: August 2007