Motion Picture Distributors

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Motion Picture Act:

The Motion Picture Act provides guidelines for distributors and retailers of carrying on business in the province of British Columbia. Requirements for licensing, distribution and the classification of films are outlined in the Motion Picture Act.

Motion Picture Act:
Motion Picture Act Regulations:

Note: On July 1, 2007 the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Authority assumed responsibility for administering the Motion Picture Act and Regulations including film classification, licensing and compliance and enforcement services from the Province of British Columbia.
BPCPA - Professional page for licensed BC film and video distributors, video retailers and theaters:;=view&id;=283&Itemid;=894

Motion Picture Distributors:

There are four types of motion picture distributor licenses that can be obtained.
(1) Allows the distributor to distribute an unlimited number of titles per licence year.
(2) Allows the distributor to distribute an unlimited number of 16 mm titles per licence year.
(3) Allows the distributor to distribute 6 titles per licence year.
(4) Allows the distributor to distribute 1 title per licence year.

Video Distributor for Exhibition
This licence applies when the products being distributed are non-adult videos intended for public exhibition restricted only to pre-recorded video tapes.

Video Distributor (General Release Only)
This licence allows a distributor to distribute general release [family] videos to licensed retailers.

Multi-purpose Distributor
This licence allows the distributor to distribute general release [family], adult videos and films for exhibition.

Adult Distributors:

As with retailers, no person under the age of 18 are allowed on the premises of an Adult Distributor. Those involved with the distribution of adult products must comply with consent to meet Criminal Record Check requirements. The sales identification is for all adult distributor salespersons and they too must consent to a Criminal Record check.

Within the Province of British Columbia

This licence allows distributors to distribute approved adult product.

Adult videos products much be submitted to the BC Film Classification Office for classification, prior to distribution.

All approved video products much bear the "BC Approved" decal.

Outside the Province of British Columbia

When distributors are declaring approved adult video products outside the province, they must obtain a letter of guarantee, bond or term deposit in the amount of $10,000.

Such distributors may alternatively establish an "authorized agent" relationship with a BC distributor who may apply the decals on its behalf.

An authorized agent is a licensed adult distributor and the authorized agent must be approved by the Director of BC Film Classification Office.

Primary Contact:

BPCPA Film Classification
Suite 290-800 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5
Tel: 604.660.6821
Fax: 604.660.1110

Verified: August 2007