Property Management / Real Estate Agents

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Real Estate Services Act:

The Real Estate Council of British Columbia is a regulatory agency established by the provincial government. Its mandate is to protect the public interest by enforcing the licensing and licensee conduct requirements of the Real Estate Services Act. The Council is responsible for licensing individuals and brokerages engaged in real estate sales, rental and strata property management. The Council also enforces entry qualifications, investigates complaints against licensees and imposes disciplinary sanctions under the Act.

To become licensed, individuals must successfully complete the Real Estate Council's education requirements. The appropriate licensing course must be taken through the University of British Columbia (UBC) Real Estate Division. Individuals should expect to take up to one year to complete the required course prior to becoming licensed. Once licensed, an individual?s licence level and/or category may be upgraded with further education.

The Real Estate Services Act requires that applicants for a licence shall be of "good reputation". Following application for a licence to the Real Estate Council, the applicant is investigated. (The Real Estate Council is the licensing and regulatory agency established by the provincial government to administer the Real Estate Services Act.) General business and personal reputation are reviewed along with criminal convictions and charges, which must be disclosed, including any where conditional or absolute discharges were granted.

For further information regarding licensing and regulation, visit the Real Estate Council's website at:

Primary Contact:

Real Estate Council of British Columbia
900 - 750 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C 2T8
Tel: 604-683-9664
Toll-free: 1-877-683-9664
Fax: 604-683-9017

Secondary Contact:

The Real Estate Division at UBC Commerce
202 - 2053 Main Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2
Tel: (604) 822-8444 Toll Free: 1-888-776-7733
Fax: (604) 822-1900

Verified: August 2007