Rabbit Farming

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Ministry of Agriculture and Lands - Food Safety and Quality Branch - Livestock Health Management & Regulation Unit:

The Livestock Health Management and Regulation Unit has three main functions: Monitor on-farm milk production, provide leadership in animal health management, and administer related Acts and Regulations.

The Unit supports the sustainability of animal agriculture, while serving to protect the wellbeing of the people of the province, by monitoring antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance; and investigating zoonotic diseases (those diseases that can pass from animals to people); as well as investigating diseases that impact livestock production.

The Unit administers a variety of Acts and Regulations - including some from the Ministries of Health and Environment - pertaining to livestock; dairy; fur farms; game farms; the manufacture and sale of medicated feed; and the sale of veterinary drugs. The Unit deals with regulatory issues such as livestock at large, livestock protection, and livestock liens.

Primary Contact:

BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Abbotsford Agriculture Centre
1767 Angus Campbell Road
Abbotsford BC V3G 2M3
Website: http://www.al.gov.bc.ca/fsq/branch/regulatory.htm

Livestock Health Management & Regulation Unit Contacts: http://www.al.gov.bc.ca/lhmr/contacts.htm

Verified: August 2007