Roofing Contractor

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Industry Training Authority - Interprovincial Red Seal (Accredited) Training Programs:

Roofer is a nationally designated trade under the Interprovincial Red Seal program.

The Interprovincial Standards or Red Seal program was established to provide standardized national credentials for some trades, and greater mobility for people working in them. There are currently 45 Red Seal trades and they include a number of the most familiar and commonly pursued trades.

If you are pursuing one of these trades, the completion examination you write will be one developed by a national panel. When you pass this exam, you will earn both your B.C. trade certification or ticket, along with a Red Seal endorsement enabling you to work anywhere in Canada.

If you hold a provincial certificate in a Red Seal trade, but did not obtain Red Seal endorsement at the time of obtaining your certificate, you can apply to write a Red Seal examination.

You can visit the Red Seal web site for more information on the inter-provincial standards. This site includes resources that are useful to people who may want to practice their trade in another province or across the country, such as a comparative chart of apprenticeship training programs in Canada (Ellis chart) and occupational analyses of various trades. Occupational analyses identify the tasks associated with particular trades.

Industry Training Authority Act:


Primary Contact:

Industry Training Authority
Suite 110, 2985 Virtual Way
Vancouver, B.C.
V5M 4X7
Tel: 778-328-8700
Fax: 778-328-8701
Toll Free (within BC): 1-866-660-6011

Secondary Contacts:

Red Seal Program
Human Resources Partnerships Directorate
Human Resources and Skills Development
140 Promenade du Portage,
5th floor, Phase IV
Gatineau, Québec
K1A 0J9

BC Ministry of Economic Development - Industry Training:

Verified: August 2007