Talent Agency - Regulations and Licensing

The following is meant solely to help the reader understand the main features of primary regulations governing this activity, and not meant in any way to provide a legal interpretation.

Employment Standards Act:
The British Columbia Employment Standards Act and Regulation sets out minimum working conditions for all workers covered under provincial labour laws. Along with these general provisions, there are a number of industries where special rules apply. The information listed below covers the special rules that apply to talent agencies in British Columbia. The Regulations came into effect September 22, 1999.

"Talent Agency" means a person who, for a fee, engages in the occupation of offering to procure, promising to procure, attempting to procure or procuring employment for actors, performers, extras or technical creative film persons.

"Technical Creative Film Person" includes a film director, director of photography, production designer, art director, persons involved in writing or rewriting of scripts, hair stylist, make-up artist, costume designer, or animal coordinator involved in the production of a film, video, television show or television commercial.

Regulations have been developed that will benefit both performers and agents. These include;

Talent agents in BC must be licensed by the Director of Employment
Talent agencies may not charge more than 15% commission on wages
Photo fees (up to $25.00 annually) may only be deducted from actual earnings
No other fees may be charged by a talent agency for finding or securing work.

For more information, please contact the Talent Agencies office of the Employment Standards Branch.

Talent Agencies Factsheet:

A talent agency must apply for a new licence each year. Each licence is issued with an expiry date. To obtain a licence, the agency must complete an application form available at any Employment Standards Branch office or at www.labour.gov.bc.ca/talent on the Internet.

All license applications are processed at the Employment Standards Branch office at 210 - 4946 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. V5G 4J6 (Fax: 604 660-7047).

A talent agency must renew their licence annually, by completing the application form and providing the $100 annual licensing fee.

Primary Contact:
Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services
Employment Standards Branch
2nd Floor - 880 Douglas St
Victoria BC V8W 2B7
Phone: 250 387-3300
Facsimile: 250 356-1886

Verified: July 2007