AGM Conference & Trade Show
March 2 & 3, 2006
Holiday Inn, St. John's

Each year, leaders in the environmental industry gather at the NEIA Conference and Trade Show. Discussions address the sustainable development of Newfoundland and Labrador’s natural resources, solutions to protect the environment and the provision of municipal infrastructure for water treatment, wastewater and solid waste management. Conference participants explore potential business opportunities and discuss challenges and solutions developed by the industry for use in the community.

The 2006 conference will focus on three topics: environmental assessment, energy, and waste management

Conference Brochure & Preliminary Agenda (pdf file)

Sponsorship details (pdf file)

Attendee Registration Form

Booth Registration Form

Environmental Industry Awards - Details & Nomination Form (pdf file)

Setting Our Sails Export Sessions
March 10, 2006
Delta Hotel, St. John's
8:30 am - 12:00 pm - Provincial Export Awards Luncheon to follow

This event is a partnership between Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, Newfoundland and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs, Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association, and Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Technology Industries.

Export Sessions
Dynamic presenters from our local community will address marketing and market entry and distribution issues during concurrent sessions in the morning leading into the Export Awards luncheon. Session will cover an array of topics including marketing on a shoe string, how to sell, distribution, trade research, and market preparation.

Registration Fee: $50.00. Participants are invited to join us at the Newfoundland and Labrador Export Awards Luncheon.

Export Cafe
Have a question or concern about exporting? Not sure where to go or who to ask? Join us for coffee and tea at the Export Cafe. Sit and chat with those in the know regarding marketing, trademarks, selling, logistics, finance, and more.

Export 411 - Exhibition
Export 411 will be an ideal venue for export service providers to showcase export-related services available in the province. It is an opportunity for exhibitors to meet and sell to new customers, catch up with existing clients and re-establish new relationships.

Exhibitor Fee: $100.00

For more information click here

Click here to download registration form

Lets Talk Exports 2006
May 10, 2006
Clovelly Golf Country Club
12:00 - 2:00 pm

Speaker: Stephen Poloz, Senior Vice-President, Corporate Affairs and Chief Economist, Export Development Canada

Mr. Poloz offers an in-depth analysis of the world economy by sector and by country, drawing out the implications for Canada's economy, exports, interest rates and the dollar. Attendees will
take away a clear understanding of the risks and opportunities for their business in 2006-2007.

More Information

Registration Form

Upcoming NEIA Events 2005 - 2006 (pdf file)

Are You Exporting? Looking For Assistance?

If you are a small to medium sized exporting or export-ready
enterprise, you could benefit from the Export Internship for Trade
Graduates program.

Supported by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), this program places Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic graduates with international trade expertise in one-year internships with local companies. During that year interns can develop and implement international marketing strategies, participate in trade shows and liaise with clients. ACOA contributes 75% of the intern's salary and benefits during the internship year (to a maximum of $25,000 per intern).

We have already recruited companies for the 2005-06 internship year, however, in February 2006 we will be looking for another 10
companies. If your company would benefit from this opportunity, or if you would like to know more about the Export Internship for Trade Graduates, please contact:

Centre for International Business Studies
Memorial University of Newfoundland

NEIA Bulletin Board

NEIA's submission to the Minister of Finance on the 2004 - 2005 budget (pdf file)

NEIA's submission to Minister Tom Osborne on Private-Public Partnering of Waste Management Services for the Greater Avalon (pdf file)

NEIA's comments on the St. John's Harbour Cleanup Draft Environmental Impact Study (pdf file)

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