Business Resources


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People at a Business MeetingThe Ministry of the Environment has a responsibility to protect Ontario’s environment.  Part of that responsibility is applying the laws of Ontario that set standards and limits for business and industry – laws that are aimed at minimizing or eliminating the effects they have on the environment.

Business and industry drive Ontario’s economy.  The ministry supports businesses by educating the business community about Ontario’s environmental laws and by making compliance with those laws as easy as possible.

The ministry also promotes environmental leadership in business and industry, and rewards Ontario businesses that go a step beyond compliance – businesses that are becoming sustainable through efficiency and innovation.  The ministry supports their environmental stewardship with specialized programs and services that recognize and highlight their efforts.

What's in this section?

  • What's New
    Find news releases, recently released publications and reports, and information about new environmental initiatives at the ministry.
  • Environmental Approvals for Business
    Get more information about the Certificates of Approval you need for your business.
  • Your Business
    Find out why the ministry regulates businesses, how they fit into Ontario’s plan to protect the environment, and our environmental laws and regulations.
  • Hazardous Waste Information Network
    The Hazardous Waste Information Network (HWIN) is a web-based system that allows generators, carriers, and receivers to register their activities with the Ministry of the Environment online. HWIN also enables users to pay the generator registration fee and to create and process electronic manifests over the web.
  • Drinking Water Information System
    The Drinking Water Information System (DWIS) is designed to collect important information regarding the state of the province's drinking water.
  • Ontario’s Environmental Leaders
    Ontario's Environmental Leaders Program is a new initiative under which the Ministry provides incentives to environmental leaders who commit to meeting beyond compliance environmental targets.
  • Environment Industry Business Directory
    Ontario’s rapidly growing environment industry is recognized as a national and international leader in providing environmental goods and services. Companies with a facility in Ontario that provide environmental goods and services are invited to register on this Web site free of charge.
  • Environmental Registry and the Environmental Bill of Rights
    The Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) took effect and the people of Ontario received an important tool to help them protect and restore the natural environment. While the Government of Ontario retains the primary responsibility for environmental protection, the EBR provides every resident with formal rights to play a more effective role.
  • Other Links
    This will link to other related business links.
  • Contact us
    Find contact information.