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Refunds & Rebates

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Solar Energy Systems Rebate Program

As announced in the 2007 Ontario Budget, this rebate has been extended for qualifying systems that are purchased and installed in residential premises before January 1, 2010.

The Solar Energy Systems Rebate returns the Retail Sales Tax (RST) paid on solar energy systems to homeowners or builders, who install the energy systems into residential premises, including multi-residential premises, or who expand or upgrade an existing solar energy system.

Solar energy can be used to power small appliances and large systems can create enough energy to take a home off the electrical grid.  Solar thermal systems can be used as an alternative to electrical heating systems.

The Benefit

Rebates are available for a qualifying alternative energy system or its components, or upgrades or expansions made to existing or new systems purchased on or after November 26, 2002 and on or before November 25, 2007.

The rebate applies to components that are required to operate a solar energy system.  This includes solar collector panels (photovoltaic or thermal), charge converters, inverters and other applicable components such as wiring, controllers, pumps, tubing, heat exchangers and energy storage tanks.  The rebate also applies to the first battery purchased to store the energy produced by the system.


The rebate can be claimed by the owner of a residential premises or a multi-residential building who purchases and installs a new solar energy system, or expands or upgrades an existing system.

The builder of a newly-constructed home or newly-constructed multi-residential building (builder) may claim a rebate of RST paid on the purchase of a solar energy system, provided the system is installed by the builder prior to the sale of the newly constructed home or newly-constructed multi-residential building.

If after purchasing a "newly-constructed home or newly-constructed multi-residential building", the owner installs a solar energy system, the owner is eligible for the rebate.

How to Apply

The rebate can be claimed by completing a General Application for Refund of Retail Sales Tax form, with copies of supporting documentation attached (e.g., contracts, invoices or statements).

Rebate claims must be received by the Ministry of Revenue within four years from the date the RST was paid or from the date the contract was paid.  Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing your rebate.

Mail or deliver the completed application to:

Ministry of Revenue
Retail Sales Tax
PO Box 646
Oshawa ON  L1H 8X2

Learn More

  • Go Solar, a program of the Clean Air Foundation, is a market transformation campaign that provides Ontario residents with the information and links they need to install solar energy systems to heat water or generate electricity.
  • Visit the Ministry of Energy website for resource information on renewable energy and solar energy incentives.
  • ecoENERGY Retrofit - Homes, is a federal government program which provide financial grants to improve the energy efficiency of a home by conducting retrofits that not only help to reduce home energy consumption but also help to reduce greenhouse gases.