Symbol of the Government of Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register my business?

For the answer, consult Registering Your Business Name In Ontario (Ministry of Government and Consumer Services).

How can I make changes to my business corporation?

For the answer, consult the document that's appropriate for your business:

Where can I get a PST number or a Vendor's Permit?

For the answer, consult Vendor Permits and the Retail Sales Tax.

Where can I find information on suppliers/manufacturers?

You can conduct research on suppliers/manufacturers through:

Does my business need a GST number or a Business Number?

For the answer, consult the following:

What is bonding?

For an overview on the subject, please consult the document on Bonding.

What government financing is available for my business?

For some places to start looking for financing, consult our Financing section.

Where can I attend a business seminar?

For the answer, consult the document for the Business Self-Help Offices and Small Business Enterprise Centres for your area:

Where can I find information on consumer issues?

Try Consumer Connection, an Industry Canada website designed to help consumers protect their own interests and save money in the marketplace.

How do I choose my business name?

For a list of points to consider when choosing your business name, consult Naming Your Business.

How do I protect my invention?

There are different kinds of protection for different kinds of intellectual property. Please consult the following documents:

How do I find a business professional to help me?

For some tips, consult Selecting Professional Services.

Where can I get more general information about operating or managing a business?

Try the section on Operating a Business, which has links to overviews of subjects like planning your business, managing employees, managing sales, etc.