Symbol of the Government of Canada

Operating a Business

Growing Your Business
If you have been operating a successful business for some time and feel that you have moved beyond the start-up phase, it may be time to start considering a number of areas that can help grow your business.

Business Management Resources

Managing for Business Success
Provides practical links and references to Web sites that offer owners and managers of small and medium businesses with insights and information that can help them resolve a management challenge with 'just-in-time' solution to help them run their business more successfully.

Steps to Competitiveness
An electronic information product developed to enhance the competitiveness of service SMEs through the online presentation of business and management information, including self-assessment tools.

Expansion of Your Home-Based Business
This fact sheet briefly identifies some of the issues that you should be considering on both the upside and the downside if you are considering expanding your home-based business.

Performance Plus
This tool is designed for small business and for people preparing business plans. It enables them to benchmark their businesses against their peers and plan their operations objectively.

Other Resources