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Green, Clean Business

Small Business...BIG PRIORITY !!


Small and medium sized businesses are the backbone of Manitoba’s diverse economy.  Businesses with 50 employees or less represent 97 per cent of all businesses in our province.  As this sector grows, the Manitoba government is responding by providing new ways to support continued success and economic growth. Click on the image below to learn more about Green, Clean Business.

Big Issues for Small Business

Plastic bags have become a hot topic these days. Billions of the handy throwaway items are used around the world every year. They take hundreds of years to biodegrade and have sparked heated debates in cities from San Francisco to Mumbai.This CBC documentary "Battle of the Plastic Bag" gets a handle on the bag battle.


To know more, click on the “Read More" link.

Green Survey
We would love to hear from you! Please provide a brief description of the sustainable steps you've taken. We will contact you for more information and help you celebrate your successes!

Company Name:
Business Type:
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Green Measures we use:
Additional Resources
CCME Green Meetings Practices
