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One Business One Number

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Manitoba Business Links
Telephone: 204-945-0514
Toll-free: 1-866-205-1657
To simplify business’ dealings with government, Manitoba has adopted the Business Number (BN) to replace the multiple numbers currently used to identify the same business.  The national Business Number (BN), administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), is recognized by federal and provincial jurisdictions and is the enabler to achieve the concept of and Manitoba’s commitment to “One Business, One Number.“

What is the Business Number (BN)?
  • The BN is assigned by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The BN identifies a business and associated account(s). Information about the CRA BN programs can be found at

  • Two significant Manitoba program areas have adopted the BN, Companies Office and Manitoba Finance’s Taxation Division to identify your business and account(s).

  • For example, Company A below has a BN. The same BN identifies its business to the Companies Office, the Taxation Division in Manitoba and the CRA .

Why has Manitoba adopted the BN?

Business started using the BN in 1995 for federal programs such as GST/HST and payroll deductions. Following consultation with business, Manitoba adopted the BN and in 2003 commenced providing the BN to businesses upon registration at Companies Office and Manitoba Finance-Taxation, two significant provincial government programs.  Manitoba is continuing to work toward the use of the BN by all program areas that serve business.

Future benefits of adopting the BN

As e-government continues to develop, the BN will enable integrated registration with federal, provincial and as legislation permits, municipal programs.  Businesses will be able to register electronically for multi-jurisdictional programs through a single window.  As importantly, for those ever-increasing government programs participating with the BN, updates, such as a new address, will only need to be provided once.

How do I get more information?

The One Business, One Number initiative is administered by the Manitoba Business Links program within Companies Office in the Department of Finance.

Manitoba Business Links
Telephone: 204-945-0514
Toll-free: 1-866-205-1657


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