Morden, MB is located in south central Manitoba. This website contains information for visitors, citizens and investors.  Learn about the annual Corn and Apple Festival and Lake Minnewasta.


"Best In Country Living"

by Harrowsmith Country Life Magazine - Click here to find out more.


Click here for more information.

Upcoming Events  

November 17th, 2006

- Morden Suncatch
- 7:00 p.m.

November 23rd to 26th, 2006

"The Company" presents - CLUE
- Kenmor Theatre
Tickets @ Thornview Grocery
- Details @

Thinking of immigrating to Canada?
Give Morden a good look.  We have the Quality of Life that people today are looking for.  Just click on the Immigration Icon for more information.
Help Protect The Environment
Click on the icon to get information on how you can take action to protect the environment, including getting information on climate change, calculating your personal greenhouse gas emissions and searching for grants, rebates, and other incentives to help lessen your impact on the enviornment.
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