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At home and around the world, CESO volunteers, supporters and clients help to build strong independent communities.

Can CESO help you?

Do you have a business in need of advice and services? Does your community require instruction in financial management, business development and governance? Could your students, business or organization benefit from a temporary or ongoing mentorship? If so, CESO Volunteer Advisers can provide you with the help needed to achieve the goals you set for your organization. See National and International Services.

We're in the business of promoting economic self-sufficiency and better governance practices

Our not-for-profit organization maintains a roster of over 3,000 Volunteer Advisers (VAs), one of the biggest resource banks of management and technical expertise of its kind. Every year, CESO completes approximately 1,500 assignments, in collaboration with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians, and international clients.


What's New

Find out what's new at CESO.


Find out more about Aeroplan Beyond Miles.


Find out about CESO Volunteering.

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