Symbol of the Government of Canada

EnerGuide-Household Appliances

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Last Verified: 2004-01-09

Act: Energy Efficiency Act, S.C. 1992,c.36
Regulation: Energy Efficiency Regulations, SOR/94-651, as amended

To Whom Does This Apply?

Dealers in the prescribed goods who manufacture energy-using products in Canada or import products into Canada or for interprovincial trade.


The purpose of this measure is to provide Canadian consumers with verifiable information on the energy performance of the products that they purchase by posting an energy consumption rating on an EnerGuide label.

The EnerGuide labelling is part of Regulations of Canada's Energy Efficiency Act passed in the Parliament of Canada in June 1992. The first regulations specifying the targeted products, the levels of energy efficiency and the general application of the Act were published in the Canada Gazette in November 1994. Regulations took effect on 3 February 1995.

The products requiring the EnerGuide label must follow federal regulations. They are selected in consultation with stakeholders. The following products are subject to the EnerGuide label:

  • electric clothes dryers;
  • clothes washers;
  • dishwashers;
  • electric ranges;
  • freezers;
  • integrated over/under washer-dryers;
  • refrigerators and combination refrigerator-freezers;
  • room air-conditioners.

Monitoring and enforcement systems are implemented by conducting marketplace audits on the frequency and accuracy of labelling.

Comprehensive information and education campaigns have been developed to foster consumer understanding of the EnerGuide label and to promote the benefits of buying a more energy-efficient product. These campaigns include the preparation and distribution of publications, the use of print media and an exhibits program. In collaboration with its strategic allies, NRCan develops training programs for retail salespeople, which encourage them to use the EnerGuide label as a tool.

Information contained in this section is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. For particular questions, the users are invited to contact their lawyer. For additional information, see contact(s) listed below.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Ms. Anne Wilkins
Senior Program Manager, Equipment Labelling
Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE)
Natural Resources Canada
2nd Floor
1 Observatory Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0Y3
Telephone: 613-992-3900
Fax: 613-947-5286
TTY (hearing impaired): 613-996-4397