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Steps to Competitiveness

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2007-03-07

Steps to Competitiveness is an electronic information product providing information on competitiveness issues and gaps facing small and medium sized service firms. The modules on this site contain diagnostic and management tools.

Eligibility Criteria

While Steps to Competitiveness is geared toward service firms, firms that produce goods will also benefit from the information on the site.


The Steps to Competitiveness site houses nine interactive modules, diagnostic tools, and downloadable material on competitiveness issues and gaps facing small and medium sized service firms. These tools will build and strengthen business capabilities.


  • Needs Assessment will help you take the first step by assessing your organization and its people.
  • Strategic Planning will map your route to future growth.
  • Adequate Financing is the foundation of your business.
  • Are you using today's Business Technology Tools effectively?
  • The Human Resource function is the people end of your business.
  • Marketing is possibly the most important management function you can undertake.
  • Partnerships and Alliances are your keys to long term success.
  • Quality Assurance distinguishes the great from the good.
  • New Service will gauge your success in introducing a new service line.

Each module begins with an overview of the topic. In many instances, the narrative is followed by a diagnostic or self-assessment tool which enables users to assess their competitiveness and identify any weaknesses which may require additional examination and follow-up.

A reference section containing suggestions for further study as well as links to other relevant Web sites concludes many of the modules.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Services Industries Branch
Industry Canada
6th Floor East
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Fax: 613-952-9054