Symbol of the Government of Canada

Team Canada Trade Missions

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (FAITC)

Last Verified: 2005-11-22

Team Canada is a unique partnership between business and federal, provincial/territorial and municipal governments to advance Canada's trade and investment interests abroad and to raise Canada's profile as an important source of high technology and goods and services. Led by the Prime Minister, provincial premiers and territorial government leaders as well as the minister of International Trade, Team Canada missions have highlighted Canadian commercial, educational and cultural links with the destination countries while allowing participants to extend their business networks and increase their business transactions.

Eligibility Criteria

Canadian businesses, including:

·         small and medium sized enterprises;

·         woman, youth, aboriginal entrepreneurs; and

·         new exporters.

Eligible Area

Canadian provinces and territories.


Team Canada missions send a strong message to prospective partners that Canada is committed to doing business with them. They help build prestige and credibility for Canada, while helping new exporters, particularly small- and medium-sized firms, to position themselves in markets where competition is intense.

Each Team Canada mission draws business representatives from 8-10 identified business focus sectors which are deemed to hold the greatest promise for new business development with the Team Canada destination countries. For delegates, Team Canada trade missions provide an economical vehicle for them to familiarize themselves with new markets, to facilitate access to foreign political and business leaders, to enhance visibility in foreign markets, to help accelerate business deals to the contract closure stage, to provide a venue to meet other Canadian companies active in the same or complementary markets, and to strengthen relationships with foreign business partners and help develop relationships with new clients and counterparts.

Previous Team Canada Trade Missions

There have been seven Team Canada missions since 1994: Russia and Germany in 2002; Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong in 2001; Japan in 1999; Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Chile in 1998; South Korea, the Philippines and Thailand in 1997; India, Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia in 1996; and China in 1994. 


If you wish to register your interest in joining a Team Canada mission, please contact your International Trade Canada Regional Office (see address listed below). You may also visit the Team Canada's Web site at the page Joining a Mission.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Ms. Audrey Schreyer
Business Development Officer
Recruitment - Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Lester B. Pearson Building
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0G2
Telephone: 613-996-3805
Fax: 613-995-8669
Toll-free (information): 1-800-267-8376 (in Canada)
TTY (hearing impaired): 613-944-9136
Web site:

National Contact(s):
See regional contact(s).