Symbol of the Government of Canada

Trade Data and Statistics

Statistics Canada

Last Verified: 2007-01-22

Statistics Canada maintains records related to sales, inventories and operating data for retail and wholesale businesses and the number and value of new motor vehicles sold in Canada. Statistics Canada also maintains detailed monthly trade data by commodity or industry and records related to exports and imports on a customs basis.


Retail and Wholesale Trade

The following publications are available for the Retail Trade:

  • Monthly Retail Trade Survey (monthly publication No.  63-005-XWE);
  • Monthly Survey of New Motor Vehicle Sales (monthly publication No.  63-007-XWE);
  • Annual Survey of Chain and Department Stores (annual publication No. 63-210-XIB);
  • Annual Wholesale and Retail Trade Survey (annual publication No. 63-236-XIB ). 

The following publications are available for the Wholesale Trade:

  • Annual Wholesale and Retail Trade Survey (annual publication No. 63-236-XIB);
  • Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey (monthly publication No. 63-008-XIB ).

The World trade atlas - Canada Edition

(catalogue No. 65F0021XCB)

The World trade atlas - Canada edition is a data and software product. It displays Canada's trade activity with the rest of the world. Features of the World trade atlas - Canada edition include:

  • Canadian trade data with over 250 trading partners;
  • over seven years of the most recent monthly data on 18 000 import and 6 000 export commodities, including national, provincial, territorial and U.S. states;
  • currency conversion;
  • detailed Harmonized System exports and imports data at the HS-8 and HS-10 digit level respectively.

The World trade atlas - Canada Edition also offers:

  • drill down - drill up capabilities from low level to high level of detail;
  • powerful graphing capabilities;
  • sort and Top - Bottom reporting functions;
  • keyword search field;
  • easy export of data for use in other applications;
  • user friendly and online help.

The World Trade Analyzer (WTA)

(catalogue No. 65F0016XCE )

The World Trade Analyzer (WTA) shows merchandise trade flows between member countries of the United Nations. With access to trade figures for over 20 years, you can track trends in global trade. The resident ORACLE software allows you to retrieve highly detailed trade data in a variety of configurations to suit your own purposes. You can:

  • compare and analyze trade statistics for producing and consuming nations;
  • search by keywords;
  • create tables;
  • drill down and aggregate hierarchical data;
  • find detail and aggregate hierarchical data;
  • graph your results;
  • export your findings to other applications.

Exports and Imports

Exports and Imports - Customs Basis

Statistics Canada maintains records related to exports and imports on a customs basis. Topics included in these records are exports and imports according to the Harmonized System on a customs basis, by quantity and value, by commodity, and by country.

Canadian Merchandise Trade - Customs Basis

The International Trade Division compiles statistics on Canadian imports and exports from customs administrative documents. Data are broken down by import/export country, nationally, by province and territory and by customs port.

Canadian Merchandise Trade - Balance of Payments Basis

The monthly statistics on Canadian imports and exports from the customs basis are adjusted to the balance of payments basis. Data are broken down by principal trading area and are presented for Canada.

International Trade Price Indexes

The International Trade Division compiles monthly import and export price indexes expressed in Canadian dollars, as well as other related data. Data are presented for Canada-United States and for Canada-all countries.


These statistics are available in publications, on diskette, printed copies and CD-ROM. Some data are available on Statistics Canada's CANSIM database.

Country Statements

Country Statements provides all trade for one country showing monthly totals, quantity and value data for imports and exports at the Harmonized System HS 6-digit level. The Country Statements are available on paper or diskette, on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. (Catalogue No. 65C0005).

Annual Detailed Commodity Data Country

Statistics Canada provides tabulations presenting the two most recent years of annual merchandise trade statistics. Value and quantity are shown for all goods and countries, at the most detailed level. Abbreviated class descriptions are also included at the 8-digit and 10-digit levels. (Catalogue No. 65F0001).


Costs are applicable in obtaining most statistics. The online catalogue of products and services is available on the Statistics Canada's Web site.

Additional Information

Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System (CANSIM) and Trade data statistics are available online.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Advisory Services
Statistics Canada
1888 Brunswick Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia  B3J 2G7
Fax: 902-426-9538
Toll-free (information): 1-800-263-1136
Toll-free (publications): 1-800-267-6677
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-363-7629
Web site:

National Contact(s):
Statistical Reference Centre
Statistics Canada
Room 1500
Main Building
Holland Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0T6
Fax: 1-877-287-4369
Toll-free (information): 1-800-263-1136
Toll-free (publications): 1-800-267-6677
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-363-7629
Web site: