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Journalism and Development Initiative

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Last Verified: 2006-06-28

The Journalism and Development Initiative, a component of CIDA’s Development Information Program, supports activities proposed by Canadian journalists who are interested in enhancing their professional experience in the field of international development and cooperation. Participants in the Journalism and Development Initiative will be better able to provide their audiences with in-depth analyses of international issues.

Eligibility Criteria

Who may submit a proposal?

  • employees of recognized Canadian news outlets working as reporters, writers, editors, editorial writers, columnists, or producers for at least three years;
  • Canadian journalists accredited by a professional journalists’ association who have worked independently or as freelancers for at least three years;
  • Canadian media corporations (print media as well as radio and television broadcast media) that have a mandate to deliver news and current affairs to Canadians;
  • Canadian professional associations whose mandate is to promote excellence in journalism, professional development, and the respect of journalistic standards and practices;
  • Canadian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working exclusively on journalism-related issues such as freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, and the role of the media in the democratization process;
  • universities and colleges offering an undergraduate program in journalism.

Note: Journalists who have already benefited from a Journalism and Development Initiative (JDI) contribution, or a fellowship awarded by a JDI-funded professional journalists’ association, must wait three years from the date they submitted their project before filing a new proposal.

Eligible Activities

To be eligible for funding, proposed projects must:

  • address primarily cooperation or international development issues;
  • involve one or more countries eligible for development assistance, or a group of countries within a region;
  • feature a Canadian angle; and
  • provide results that will benefit the Canadian public. For example, projects could involve the publication of feature articles or the broadcast of reports in Canada through media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.

Conferences, workshops, and exchanges are other options for the proposed activities.



The purpose of the program is to broaden and deepen journalists’ understanding of issues linked to international development and cooperation.


  • enable journalists to leave "the beaten track," and see first-hand the difficulties and realities faced by developing countries -- their governments and their people;
  • encourage exchanges between Canadian journalists and journalists of developing countries and countries in transition;
  • promote linkages between journalists and Canadian civil society organizations that have international development knowledge and skills;
  • encourage more in-depth coverage of major international development and cooperation issues.


CIDA may fund between $2 500 to $75 000 according to the type and scope of the proposed activity, up to a maximum of 75% of total project costs.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Canadian International Development Agency
Suite 505
200 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0G4
Telephone: 819-997-5006
Fax: 819-953-6088
Toll-free (information): 1-800-230-6349
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-331-5018
TTY (hearing impaired): 819-953-5023
Web site: