Symbol of the Government of Canada


Non-Governmental Organizations

Last Verified: 2006-10-30

CRIM (Centre de transfert de technologies et de connaissances) is a non-profit organization founded in 1985 to strengthen ties between universities and firms of every size active in the information technology industry.

Eligibility Criteria

Canadian companies and agencies that rely on information technology to improve their productivity and the quality of their services and products.


CRIM contributes to Quebec's socio-economic and industrial development in the high-tech fields of IT and computer applications through various activities:

  • research and development activities;
  • knowledge and technology transfer;
  • creation of strategic alliances;
  • networking;
  • technology and market monitoring;
  • training a highly skilled workforce.

A hub of activity, CRIM relies on a highly developed network of members, partners and clients who actively participate in renewing and sharing its technological assets. CRIM's over 100 members consist of small, medium and large companies, universities, and service organizations.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Suite 100
550 Sherbrooke Street West
Montréal, Quebec  H3A 1B9
Telephone: (514) 840-1234
Fax: (514) 840-1244
Toll-free (information): 1-877-840-2746