Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Tables on Diskette (TOD)

For easier and more precise payroll deduction calculations, use the Payroll Deductions Online Calculator (PDOC).

Tables on Diskette (TOD) - Effective July 1, 2007 - TOD 2007.1.6.1

NEW This version of TOD (TOD 2007.1.6.1) replaces version TOD 2007.1.6 released June 8, 2007. This version corrects an error in the calculation of taxable income and taxes when a deduction is entered for "Employer contributions to employee's RRSP." Note that the contribution must also be included in income as a taxable benefit under the heading "Non-cash, not insurable for EI."

This version of TOD includes provincial tax changes for British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island only. For all other provinces and territories, and for federal tax, you can continue to use the January 1, 2007 version of TOD until December 31, 2007.

What is TOD?

Tables On Diskette (TOD) is a stand-alone computer program that calculates the Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Employment Insurance (EI); and federal, provincial (except Quebec) and territorial tax deductions for all pay periods. TOD is usually updated, as tax changes occur, for January 1 and for July 1. TOD is produced to help reduce the paper burden for small businesses.

In TOD and in the publications T4032, Payroll Deductions Tables and T4008, Payroll Deductions Supplementary Tables, we use the mid-point of a salary range to determine the tax deductions.

If you use TOD to verify payroll deductions formulas, you must use the mid-point of a salary range. If you are an employee who is using TOD to check your deductions, the amounts determined by your employer may differ slightly from TOD's results.

The printed calculations created by the TOD application are not intended to be a statement of earnings and therefore should not be used as such. Please contact your employment standards representative to make sure that you meet the legislative requirements of your province or territory regarding the information that must appear in the statement of earnings.

For Quebec income tax, you can download the WinRAS program from the ministère du Revenu du Québec Web site.

PC users:

System requirements:

  • Pentium 166 or higher processor;
  • Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition or more current operating system;
  • 48 MB of RAM with 103 MB of free hard disk space (32 megabytes to download the files and an additional 71 megabytes to install TOD);
  • Access Bridge 1.2 or more current version (for assistive technology users only).

Note: To obtain a more current version of the Access Bridge, visit the Sun Microsystems website at

Note: The TOD program might not work with Windows 98 and Windows Vista. The CRA does not offer technical service for these operating systems. Please use the Payroll Deductions Online Calculator instead.

How to download the "install" files and install TOD:

  1. Create a new folder on your "C" drive and name it "TOD 072007".
  2. Save the download files "setup.jar" and "setupwin32.exe" to the "TOD 072007" folder.

    For Internet Explorer users only, see troubleshooting guide.

  3. Close all applications except Windows.
  4. Use "My computer" or "Windows Explorer" to access the "TOD 072007" folder.
  5. Double click on the "setupwin32.exe" file to initiate the extraction of the "InstallShield" application.
  6. Choose your language preference from the drop-down list menu, then click "OK".
  7. After you have read the instructions on the "Welcome" page, click "Next".
  8. If you accept the terms of the License Agreement, choose "I do accept the terms of the license agreement" then click "Next". If you do not accept the terms, click "Cancel". If the "I do not accept the terms of the license agreement" option is selected, TOD will not install.
  9. On the "Install Folder" page, click "Next".
  10. On the "Install Summary" page, click "Finish".
  11. You can choose to delete the "TOD 072007" folder created in step 1 to free up disk space on your hard drive.

Macintosh users:

Note: We have corrected a problem with the TOD launcher that had prevented the installation of the July 1, 2007, version of the TOD on Macintosh Intel-based systems.

System requirements:

  • OS X operating system; and
  • 17 MB of free hard disk space (9 megabytes to download the archive file and an additional 8 megabytes to install TOD).

How to download the file to run TOD:

  1. Download the "" file to the desktop.
  2. Create a new folder called "TOD 072007" on your machine.
  3. Extract the archive file to the "TOD 072007" folder.
  4. Double click on the "setupmac.command" file and follow the instructions on the screen;
  5. You can choose to delete the "TOD 072007" folder created in step 1 to free up disk space on your hard drive.