Courts of Saskatchewan

Courts Education Program

Court Education Program

Saskatchewan Courts Public Information Committee
2425 Victoria Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 3V7
Tel: (306) 787-9602
Fax: (306) 780-6990

What is the Public Information Committee?

This committee is an independent organization of judges representing the three levels of Court in Saskatchewan. It provides media and educational information on behalf of the courts. The goals of the Committee include: enhancing the public's understanding of the court system, facilitating the reporting of court events and promoting open discussion of legal issues. The Court Communications Officer is the public's liaison to this Committee.

Court Communications Officer
The Court Communications Officer provides educational programming and coordinates public initiatives.

The Communications Officer is a resource to teachers who wish to engage their students in active learning about the court system. She provides information, assists with access to the courts and can lead in-class presentations on a variety of subjects, including sentencing and the Charter.

Classroom Visits
Judges from the Court of Appeal, the Court of Queen's Bench and the Provincial Court are available to talk to students about the role of the courts in Canada's justice system from the "hands on" perspective of a judge.

Elementary and High Schools
Judges will share the day-to-day realities of being a judge and the often difficult decisions judges must make.

During the one hour visit, the following topics will be covered:

  • the duties of a judge
  • the role of the courts
  • the courts' relationship to other parts of the justice system, including law enforcement and prosecutions
  • how the courts develop and apply our laws
  • the Courts as the third branch of government
  • questions from students.

Judges are available to visit university classes. In addition to covering many of the topics described, judges, upon request, will also discuss important cases that form part of the course material.

The only limitation is that judges cannot discuss issues relating to a case that is, or may in the future be, before the court.

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Court Watching

We invite teachers and students to visit a court house to observe the proceedings and to learn first hand how the trial system works.

Contact the local court house in advance to schedule your visit and to ascertain what matters are scheduled for court that day. This will enable the staff to accommodate your class effectively. For more information about court watching, contact the Communications Officer.

Community Speaking Engagements

Judges are available to speak to interested community groups on the topics listed. For more information, contact the Communications Officer.

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Kristen Crowell
Saskatchewan Courts Communications Officer
Court House
2425 Victoria Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 3V7
Tel: (306) 787-9602
Fax: (306) 780-6990

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