Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The single most significant environmental challenge facing the globe and citizens of the earth is the changes in our climate that are occurring as a result of greenhouse gas emissions. As global citizens, as citizens of Canada, the people of Saskatchewan accept our role in contributing to global warming as well as our responsibility to do our part to reverse global warming and climate change.

Our Vision:

Over the decades between now and 2050, Saskatchewan will become a model jurisdiction of innovative and sustainable energy.

Our Emission Reduction Targets:

  • 2010 - Emissions stabilized
  • 2020 - 32% lower than current levels; a reduction of 22 tonnes per capita
  • 2050 - 80% lower than current levels; a reduction of 55 tonnes per capita

Go Green climate change programs include:

  1. Net Metering Program - Net metering is one program in a suite of sustainable and renewable energy initiatives that is designed to ensure that our province is supplied with safe, reliable and sustainable electricity now, and into the future.

    The Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) will pay a one-time fee of 25 per cent of eligible start-up costs up to a maximum of $100,000 (i.e., maximum $25,000). Projects with generating capacities of 100kW or less that comply with the local utility's net metering policies and enter into net metering contracts with their local electric utilities are eligible for funding under this program.
    The net metering program includes wind, low-impact hydro, biomass, heat reclaim, flare gas, and photovoltaic (solar) generation.

    Links to local utility's net metering policies: SaskPower or the City of Saskatoon

  2. Solar Heating Initiative for Today (SHIFT) - The SHIFT program provides funding for new solar water heating systems to large, non-residential consumers of hot water in Saskatchewan. The program is available for businesses, industries, multiple-unit residential buildings over three stories, public institutions such as hospitals and schools, and municipal and provincial facilities.

  3. Prairie Adaptation Research Centre (PARC) - The Ministry of Environment provides funding to PARC to build understanding and capacity to address climate change in key sectors of the province including water resources, ecosystems, forestry, agriculture and energy, in addition to improved adaptation practices for those sectors.

  4. International Test Centre for CO2 Capture - The International Test Centre for CO2 Capture is conducting carbon dioxide separation research to develop more efficient and cost-effective carbon dioxide capture techniques from flue gases.

  5. Vehicle Idling - The City of Regina received a grant from the Ministry of Environment through the Green Initiatives Fund to develop a multifaceted vehicle idling awareness program, including: school presentations, public service announcements, an interactive website, signage at schools, idling free zones and a Smart Driver training program offered to school bus drivers.

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