Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Every year tourists, including hunters and anglers, spend about $1.5 billion in Saskatchewan. In 2005, more than 70,000 people hunted in the province, 22,000 of them coming from other provinces or countries, mainly the United States. Hunters spent $107.5 million in the province, or eight per cent of the amount spent by all tourists. Most of that money was spent in rural areas where the economic activity generated by hunters resulted in more than 1,000 full-time jobs.

The Hunters' & Trappers' Guide is produced every year. This document is the official reference for all the information you need for safe and responsible hunting in Saskatchewan.
This section provides information about additional hunting opportunities in Saskatchewan.
In the past, big game rifle hunters were required to wear a complete outer suit of scarlet, bright yellow, blaze orange, white or any combination of these colours.

All non-resident hunters exporting game taken from First Nations Lands must obtain a provincial Export permit.

This page allows you to purchase a licence to hunt or fish in Saskatchewan. It provides a secure, online order form and instructions for purchasing via fax, telephone and mail.

A list of available licences and associated fees.

The Big Game Draw is a transparent and equitable method of allocating a limited number of hunting licences to Saskatchewan residents. The draw includes licences for elk, moose, either-sex mule deer, antelope and antlerless mule deer.
Saskatchewan offers a wide variety of fishing and hunting experiences in prairie, forest and tundra environments. Outfitters and guides employed by outfitters can assist both residents and visitors to the province to access these experiences.

Information about where you can hunt and where hunting is prohibited.

Report poachers through the toll free TIP line at 1-800-667-7561 - 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

The information you require for shipping big game.

The information you require for shipping waterfowl and upland birds.

The Ministry of Environment has implemented a three-part tag system for deer, which will make it easier for Conservation Officers to identify the meat, hide and head of an animal taken by a hunter and to ensure that the animal was legally taken.

Bait means any food intended to attract big game but does not include fields of crop or forage, whether standing or harvested crops, forage or hay stacked in the field where it is grown or grain that is scattered or piled as a result of farming operations.

To meet the legitimate demand for sale of provincially protected wildlife while protecting against the illegal marketing of wildlife.

To protect against harm to the ecosystem or to wildlife that may result from the movement of wildlife in or out of the province.

This page provides information about the Ministry of Environment's Chronic Wasting Disease (or CWD) Management Program.

Information on various Ministry of Environment permits.

© 2008 Government of Saskatchewan. All rights reserved.