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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What is a Green Technology?

Green technologies are defined as those technologies which, through their adoption, adaptation or development, help develop or produce goods and services providing either a remedial or preventative benefit to the natural environment.

What technologies are eligible for Green Technology Commercialization funding?

Eligible technologies could include, but are not limited to the following examples:

  • Water purification and management - water pollution prevention and treatment technologies; water recycling and ultra-filtration systems; remote sensor and automation (e.g. wastewater treatment and management technology
  • Development of best practices - in all aspects of environmental management, which may include the adaptation, novel or innovative use of existing technology (e.g. phyto-remediation)
  • Bio-product innovation - value added options in expanding markets for bio-materials, bio-industrial chemicals, bio-processing or bio-remediation
  • Agriculture - farm efficiency technologies; water conserving irrigation systems; bioremediation and soil treatment; natural pesticides
  • Air Quality - air purification products and air filtration systems; energy efficient heating, ventilating and/or cooling (HVAC) systems; air pollution and monitoring equipment; emissions monitoring and sampling equipment; indoor air quality testing equipment; data logging and remote sensing
  • Enabling technologies - catalyst and membrane technology; distributed sensor networks technology
  • Environmental IT - software and systems for environmental management, GIS & GPS applications; record keeping; waste and hazardous materials management
  • Materials and nano-technology - biodegradable materials derived from seed proteins and crop residue; micro-fluidics technology for biochemical reactions; nano-materials; composite materials; environmentally friendly chemical products and sensor technology
  • Materials recovery and recycling - recycling technologies; waste treatment; internet based systems for materials trading and management; hazardous waste remediation; bio-mimetics for advanced metals separation and extraction; composting technologies
  • Manufacturing and industrial - advanced packaging; natural or green chemistry; environmentally friendly construction materials; business process and data flow mapping tools; precision and lean manufacturing process instruments and fault detection; chemical management technology and service
  • Transportation and logistics - lighter materials technology for transportation vehicles; advanced pavements and road surfaces; smart logistics software and processes (e.g. the Ross Industrial Park project)

Important to note: Government will NOT assume ownership of any intellectual property rights developed during the life of the project.

What cannot be funded?

  • Projects that previously have received funding from the Green Initiatives Fund.
  • Projects that require on-going funding from the province beyond two calendar years.
  • Initiatives that need to be undertaken as a result of a government order, such as investigations and remediation.
  • Projects that are NOT distinct from applicant's standard operations. Green Initiatives Fund money CANNOT be used to provide on-going operational funding.

Who can apply?

  • New and existing small to medium sized businesses registered in Saskatchewan.
  • Partnerships between a business registered in Saskatchewan and non-business groups.

Groups such as non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, academic researchers and municipal groups may partner with a business in working towards commercialization of a product or service. However, these groups are not eligible to apply for funding without a committed business interest.

What amount of funding is available?

Projects with costs between $10,000 and $200,000 are eligible to receive funding up to 50% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $100,000. Projects with costs over $200,000 are eligible to receive funding up to 50% of the first $200,000 of eligible costs and 25% of eligible costs beyond that to a maximum of $250,000.

What costs are eligible?

Eligible costs are those attributed to the commercialization of the Green Technology and are expected to vary depending upon the project, such as:

  • Demonstration of proven technologies that are used elsewhere
  • Acquisition of specialized equipment and services
  • Education and training for specialized equipment and processes

What costs are NOT eligible?

  • Purchase of land, buildings and vehicles
  • Ongoing administration and established operational budgets
  • Business plans
  • Pilot studies
  • Market development activities
  • Advertising
  • Acquisition of technology
  • Research/feasibility study
  • Product development
  • Business trips to meet with potential clients
  • Improving the environmental performance of businesses using existing commercial green technologies

How do I apply?

The application process has 3 steps:

  1. Pre-Qualification Application - Applicants are first asked to submit the Pre-Qualification Application Form. This form is intended to provide an early review to determine whether the project is a good fit for the program. This application form is brief and serves the purpose of outlining the main components of the proposal as they relate to the project's impact on the environment, its commercial readiness, its impact on Saskatchewan's economy and its financial sustainability. If the proposal is determined to be a good fit the applicant will be contacted for consultation.
  2. Consultation - Consultation will involve dialogue between the Grant co-ordinator and the applicant to set a direction for the project and to obtain all necessary information from the project proponents.
  3. Detailed Application - Proponents will then be asked to submit the Detailed Application Form. Applicants are not permitted to submit a detailed application until pre-qualification and consultation have been completed.

When are the application deadlines?

Pre-qualification applications will be reviewed, as a minimum, on a quarterly basis each year according to the following deadlines:

  • March 31
  • June 30
  • September 30
  • December 31

Please note that being pre-qualified DOES NOT ensure the project will be funded.

When will I know if my application is successful?

You will be notified within eight weeks of the application deadline.

How will my application be evaluated?

Project assessment is based on five key areas:

  1. Impact on the Environment - The technology should meet the definition of a "green technology", should be environmentally and ecologically sound, and should show potential to improve or introduce new opportunities for environmental sustainability in Saskatchewan.
  2. Commercial Readiness - The project should show potential for viable use in a specific product or service, should demonstrate a public need or desire for technology, and should show need for support to overcome the barriers to commercialization.
  3. Impact on Saskatchewan's Economy - The project should show potential to solve environmental problems in a manner that can stimulate industry development.
  4. Financial Sustainability - The project should show financial viability including funding support and project costing. The project should be led by a strong management team.
  5. Additional Criteria - Projects should show potential for export, substantial consumer demand and high levels of innovation.

If I successfully obtain Green Technology Commercialization funding, how will the funding be delivered?

A Letter of Offer will be sent to successful applicants. This letter will outline eligible activities, time frames and grant allocation information. Grant money must be accessed within a specific time frame that will be outlined in the letter of offer. If the funding is not accessed within this time, the offer will be void. The proponents can re-apply for funding.
The Grant will be paid to the business entity that is the lead in the project. In order to receive funding, the proponents must have a registered business in Saskatchewan.

Can Green Technology Commercialization Grants be used to match other sources of funding?

  • Applicants ARE encouraged to seek matching funds or top up funding from Federal government programs.
  • Funding is NOT available through the Green Initiatives Fund to be used as matching funds or to top up funding for other initiatives funded by the Province of Saskatchewan.
  • In the event that a proponent is using approved Grant money as leverage for debt financing, the Grant co-ordinator will issue a letter of intent to provide funding. If financing is not in place within the timeframe permitted, then the funding offer will be void.

Do I need any special licences, permits, patents or certifications for my project?

  • Project applicants must outline licences, permits, patents and certifications required to carry out the project, and willingness and ability to obtain needed licences, permits, patents or certifications needed in the future.
  • Project applicants must indicate a willingness to either obtain a clearance notification from the Worker's Compensation Board (WCB) or demonstrate that a clearance notification from the WCB is not required for their organization. Successful applicants are required to provide WCB documentation prior to release of funds.

Who do I talk to if I have more questions about how to apply for Green Technology Commercialization funding?

Green Initiatives Fund Co-ordinator
Ministry of Environment
5th Floor, 3211 Albert St
S4S 5W6
(306) 787-2108

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