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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What projects are eligible for a Sustainable Communities Grant?

Sustainable Communities Grants are awarded for projects that take place in Saskatchewan and work towards progress in the following target areas:

  • Climate Change - project reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Eco-tourism - project addresses ecosystem preservation through public education and provides economic opportunity through tourism in Saskatchewan
  • Green Agricultural Practices - project demonstrates or determines the feasibility of agricultural practices that minimize negative environmental impacts
  • Ecosystem Conservation - project conserves resources, preserves and maintains ecosystems at risk or rehabilitates degraded areas
  • Sustainable Development Awareness - project raises awareness of sustainable development through education activities, training, research, seminars or forums
  • Water Conservation and Source Water Protection - project takes action to ensure a safe and sustainable water supply

What costs are NOT eligible?

  • Projects that have received previous funding from the Green Initiatives Fund
  • Projects that require on-going funding from the province beyond two calendar years
  • On-going administration (office costs) and established operational budgets; Sustainable Communities Grant money cannot be used to provide on-going operational funding
  • Infrastructure, including landfills, roads, water/wastewater and buildings used for residential or commercial purposes
  • Equipment, including but not limited to vehicles, heating and cooling equipment
  • Land
  • Research projects
  • Biofuels projects
  • Projects that include debt financing or cost recovery purposes
  • Initiatives that need to be undertaken as a result of a government order, such as investigations and remediation

Who can apply?

Saskatchewan youth groups, community associations, non-profit organizations, local governments including First Nation communities, educational institutions and municipal corporations are eligible to submit project proposals. Individuals or groups not included in the above list may submit a joint application with an eligible applicant.

What amount of funding is available?

Funding is available to a maximum of $100,000.

What is the maximum length of a project?

Two calendar years from the time the funding is awarded.

When are the application deadlines?

October 15 and April 15

When will I know if my application is successful or not?

Typically, you will be notified within 12 weeks of the application deadline as to whether your application has been selected to receive a Sustainable Communities Grant.

How will my application be evaluated?

Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Merit of the project and applicant - Is the project technically sound?, Does the applicant have the capacity to carry out the project?, Does the project make measurable progress towards the Green Initiative Fund's objectives?, Does the project make measurable progress in one of the Sustainable Communities Grant target areas?
  • Impacts on the Environment, Community and the Economy
  • Financial feasibility - Is the project budget realistic?
  • Financial sustainability - Will the project be self-sufficient once the grant has expired?
  • Accountability measures - Does the application clearly state goals, objectives and a method of reporting on progress towards the goals and objectives? Does the project result in a clear, identifiable action or product?

Can a Sustainable Communities Grant be used to match other sources of funding?

  • Applicants ARE encouraged to seek matching funds or top up funding from Federal government programs such as EcoAction.
  • Funding is NOT available through the Green Initiatives Fund to be used as matching funds or top up funding for other initiatives funded by the Province of Saskatchewan.
  • Applicants are encouraged to form partnerships and obtain cash contributions or in-kind support from other non-government sources.
  • In-kind support can include donations of equipment, materials, office space, volunteer time and professional services.

Do I need any special licences and permits for my project?

  • Project applicants must investigate whether licences and permits are required to carry out the project and indicate willingness to obtain licenses and permits if they are needed (if applicable, please indicate the needed licences and permits in project description)
  • Project applicants must indicate a willingness to either obtain a clearance notification from the Worker's Compensation Board (WCB) or demonstrate that a clearance notification from the WCB is not required for their organization. Successful applicants are required to provide WCB documentation prior to release of funds.

Who do I talk to if I have more questions about how to apply for the Sustainable Communities Grant?

Green Initiatives Fund Co-ordinator
Ministry of Environment
5th Floor, 3211 Albert St
S4S 5W6
(306) 787-2108

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