Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We breathe about 26,000 times a day, inhaling around 14,000 litres of air. Although the overall quality of the air in Saskatchewan is excellent, the air we breathe is important to our health and if air quality deteriorates, our health can be affected.

Everyone shares a responsibility to ensure the natural resources of Saskatchewan are used in a responsible manner. Compliance and Enforcement is the regulatory arm of Saskatchewan Environment that protects the public's interests in the management of air, land, water and natural resources.

Saskatchewan's Environmental Assessment program was founded on the belief that significant development decisions should not be made before all relevant information is considered. The program provides a practical, comprehensive and integrated approach to decision-making designed to systematically evaluate the ecological, socio-economic and cultural aspects of development within a single framework so that the real costs and tradeoffs at stake in a particular situation can be fully understood. The program guarantees public access to information about proposed development and the right to make one's views known respecting these proposals.

Saskatchewan has some of the best fishing in the world. The productive lakes of the south and the deep cold waters of the north have a variety of fish species that provide us with many recreational and economic opportunities.

Forests are a central part of the economy and landscape for many Saskatchewan communities. Our challenge is to make sure that future generations have healthy forest ecosystems capable of providing the numerous benefits that contribute to the unique quality of life we enjoy today.

The Government of Saskatchewan is committed to finding solutions to the environmental problems facing our province, our country and our planet.

Hunting has deep social, cultural and environmental value to the people of Saskatchewan. Hunting also has an important economic impact in the province, especially in rural areas.

The Ministry of Environment is responsible for managing more than 37 million hectares of Crown resource land largely found in central and northern Saskatchewan, but with holdings throughout the province. Saskatchewan people have always had a deep connection to the land. Our citizens benefit from government efforts to strengthen and maintain the health of our province through management of the land and its renewable resources in an ecosystem context.

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We in Saskatchewan are committed to a healthy environment and a sustainable economy. Along with that is a growing recognition that we need to get past the "throw away" mentality.

The trapping industry in Saskatchewan includes over 3,000 registered trappers and generates between $2 and $3 million every year.

The Ministry of Environment plays a lead role in the development of legislation and policy for waste management, stewardship, regional waste management and waste minimization initiatives.

Find information about how we manage our water along with guidelines, regulations and certification programs for treatment plant operators.

The Ministry of Environment is responsible for the prevention, detection, monitoring and suppression of wildfires in Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan's abundant and healthy wildlife population is one of the most attractive features of our province.

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