Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
The Saskatchewan government abandoned the prohibition and temperance movement in 1925, but continued to control the wholesale distribution of alcohol.

3rd floor, 3085 Albert St.
Regina SK  S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5747
FAX: (306) 787-0088

The Dispute Resolution Office believes in people's ability to resolve issues with dignity and respect in a safe environment.

The Dispute Resolution Office provides and encourages the provision of dispute resolution/mediation services to the public.  We have mediated thousands of disputes in many areas.

Services Available

The Saskatchewan Justice Dispute Resolution Office can help by:

  • providing professional mediation and facilitation services to parties in conflict;
  • being actively involved in the development of collaborative dispute resolution in the province;
  • providing technical expertise and assistance to public sector organizations;
  • providing training in communication, conflict resolution and mediation to public sector organizations; and
  • supporting the development of restorative justice initiatives.



Saskatchewan Justice Dispute Resolution Office offers workshops about the mediation process. These workshops provide participants with an introduction to the skills needed to collaboratively solve problems. Training modules include lectures, small group work and role play. We offer dispute resolution services to provincial government departments and agencies, crown corporations, school boards and regional health authorities. We also provide training to individuals who are interested in conflict resolution. Our workshop presenters have advanced training in the field of mediation and alternate dispute resolution. They each bring unique and diverse experiences to the workshops.  Workshops are facilitated by two trainers and supported with additional coaches, as required.

Courses will be offered subject to adequate enrolment.  Sessions will be scheduled to meet individual client group needs. Enrolment for these courses is limited. We require three weeks notice, in case of cancellation. You may be charged a cancellation fee, unless you find a replacement. The cancellation fee is determined by the cost of the course, less $100.

For information about our workshops, including cost and registration, contact:

                  Telephone: Carolyn Dreger (306) 787-5376

Visit our workshop calendar for information on the wide variety of workshops on dispute resolution and mediation offered by Saskatchewan Justice Dispute Resolution Office.

Mediation is a process where an impartial third party helps two or more parties discuss a dispute and work toward a solution that is acceptable to all parties.  Mediated agreements tend to succeed because they result from a process that allows parties to create their own solutions.

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