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Regina, SK
S4S5W6, Canada
Toll Free. (800) 567-4224
Fax. (306) 787-9544
Web Site. http://www.environment.gov.sk.ca

Top 5 Downloaded Forms

  • Saskatchewan Angling Licence Order Form
    Online form with credit card payment option to obtain an Angling Licence.
  • Request for Assignment - Lease, Permit or Wild Rice Licence
    This form is to be completed by two parties wishing to negotiate a sell/buy transaction for improvement(s) on Crown land. An existing land lease or permit must be assigned to the proposed new owner before a transaction can be finalized. For details, click More Information below.
  • Application for Wild Rice Disposition
    This form is used to apply for a wild rice permit or licence to cultivate and harvest wild rice. A permit provides temporary (annual) permission to cultivate and harvest wild rice whereas the licence allows for a 10 year period.
  • Application for Crown Land Disposition
    This form is used to apply for a new disposition on Crown land, for all types of land uses EXCEPT wild rice permits and park land commercial leases. Supplemental application forms may be necessary for some development. For additional information click on More Information below.
  • Application for Farm Development
    This form is to be completed when a new agricultural operation is proposed for development on Crown resource land. It is a supplemental application form to be used in addition to the Application for Crown Land Disposition. NOTE: The majority of farm operations will occur on SAF land.
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