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Small Claims Court

In Saskatchewan, the Small Claims Court is established under The Small Claims Act, 1997. This court is presided over by a judge of the Provincial Court. It provides an informal and inexpensive method to resolve disputes with or without the aid of a lawyer. As a rule, most parties are not represented by lawyers.

People can approach the Small Claims Court knowing that the court staff is experienced in helping persons prepare the necessary forms and that the judge is experienced in settling disputes without the assistance of lawyers. The emphasis in the Small Claims Court is on facts and not legal technicalities.

Only certain types of claims can be dealt with in Small Claims Court and the value of the claim must not exceed 5,000 dollars.

Should I Sue?

Before you begin a small claims action, you should consider a number of preliminary matters. Click here for information that will help you answer the question: Should I sue?

Where Can I Get More Information?

For detailed information on pursuing a small claims action, the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan Inc. publishes a small claims pamphlet.

How Can I Contact the Court Office?

For a listing of the Provincial Court Offices and how to contact them, visit the Court Locations and Sitting Times.