Government of Saskatchewan
Quick Search:
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
All field offices have a 306 area code:
Assiniboia - 642-7242                            Melfort - 752-6214 
Battlefords - 386-2212 Melville - 728-7480 
Beauval - 288-4710 Moose Jaw - 694-3659 
Big River - 469-2520 Moose Mountain - 577-2600 
Blackstrap - 492-5675 Moosomin - 435-4545 
Buffalo Narrows - 235-1740    Nipawin - 862-1790 
Candle Lake - 929-8400 North Battleford - 446-7416 
Chitek Lake - 984-2343 Outlook - 867-5560 
Christopher Lake - 982-6250 Pelican Narrows - 632-5510 
Creighton - 688-8812 Pierceland - 839-6250 
Cumberland House - 888-5810 Pike Lake - 933-6966 
Cypress Hills - 662-5435 Pinehouse - 884-2060 
Dorintosh - 236-7680 Porcupine Plain - 278-3540 
Duck Mountain - 542-5500 Preeceville - 547-5660 
Estevan - 637-4600 Prince Albert - 953-2322 
Fort Qu'Appelle - 332-3215 Regina - 787-2080 
Greenwater Lake - 278-3515 Rowan's Ravine - 725-5200 
Hudson Bay - 865-4400 Saskatoon - 933-6240 
Humboldt - 682-6726 Shaunavon - 297-5433 
Kindersley - 463-5458 Southend - 758-6255 
LaRonge - 425-4234 Spiritwood - 883-8501 
Leader - 628-3100 Stony Rapids - 439-2062 
Lloydminster - 825-6430 Swift Current - 778-8205 
Loon Lake - 837-2410 Wadena- 338-6254 
Maple Creek - 662-5434 Weyburn - 848-2344 
Meadow Lake - 236-7557 Yorkton - 786-1463 

© 2008 Government of Saskatchewan. All rights reserved.