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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan!  Making life better.

Finance Minister Andrew Thomson delivered the 2007-08 Provincial Budget on March 22, 2007; the 14th consecutive balanced budget for the province. 

Performance plans outline the vision, goals and objectives that Ministry's and agencies intend to accomplish over the medium to longer term.

Message from the Minister

It is with great pleasure that I table the 2007-08 Budget and supporting documents for public review and discussion.

There has never been a better time to be in Saskatchewan. Our province is enjoying prosperous times, and this Budget is making life even better for Saskatchewan families.

This Budget provides more reasons for young people to make their future right here, continues with the business tax cuts we began last year, makes new investments in health care, and provides more funds for our communities and economic infrastructure.

For young people, university tuition remains frozen at 2004 levels until 2008. To help young
people start their careers right here at home, we have introduced a new Graduate Tax Exemption that, coupled with other measures, will allow graduates to earn $20,000 of income tax-free in each of the first five years following graduation.

This is a Budget that takes care of Saskatchewan families as it introduces a universal
$15 seniors’ drug plan to help make drugs more affordable for all seniors. It also increases
funding to provide more surgeries and diagnostic testing. It delivers historic levels of funding for municipalities to help keep taxes down, for school boards to improve the quality of education and for universities to improve research and scholarship.

Our biggest-ever capital and infrastructure budget exceeds $500 million and includes funds
to complete highway twinning work, rebuild rural highways, and other efforts to maintain and
improve key economic transportation corridors. These new investments in our highways and
transportation networks are part of an unprecedented $5 billion investment over the next
10 years and build on The Fuel Tax Accountability Act introduced last year.

I invite you to browse this and other related documents to discover for yourself how we
are helping make life better for Saskatchewan families through measures provided in
Budget 2007-08.

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