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Community Works


The Community Works Program provides funding assistance to community based organizations, municipalities, Indian Bands, tribal councils and Métis Nations of Saskatchewan to hire eligible employees in job creation projects that provide a direct benefit or service to the local community.

Program Objectives

To assist individuals acquire the fundamental skills needed to fully participate in the workforce and to link them to sustained employment.

To assist organizations complete projects that will enhance community services and facilities.

Program Criteria

Eligible Work Placement Employment

Funding will be provided to employers who hire eligible individuals for job creation projects (individual or project based activities) that provide a direct benefit to the local or regional community.

The work placement position must provide on-the-job skills training which will enhance the employees ability to obtain further employment opportunities upon project completion.

The on-the-job skills training provided can be transferred to other related jobs in the community.

The employer demonstrates a commitment to assist the employee with finding other employment at the end of the work placement when there is no potential for ongoing employment.

Written consent from the bargaining agent in unionized work places is required.

Hiring must not take place prior to program approval.

Job positions must not displace or reduce the number of hours worked by other employees.

Eligible Employers
Can Include:

community based organizations

municipal governments

Indian Bands

Tribal Councils

Métis Nations of Saskatchewan

Eligible Employees
Must Be:
at least 18 years of age;

a resident of Saskatchewan;

legally eligible to work in Saskatchewan; and

be in receipt of benefits or a training allowance through the:
Saskatchewan Assistance Plan, or

Provincial Training Allowance.

Or unemployed individuals:
with an established Employment Insurance (EI) benefits period; or

whose EI benefit period ended within the last three (3) years; or

who received EI maternity or parental benefits within the past five (5) years and are re-entering the labour force after having left it to care for newborn or newly adopted children.

Employee(s) cannot be an immediate family member of the organizations Board of Directors or officers, or their immediate family.

Funding Assistance

Wage Subsidy

Community based organizations, northern municipalities, Métis Nations of Saskatchewan, Indian Bands, and tribal councils are eligible for funding assistance up to a maximum of $7,000 per work placement position.

All other municipalities are eligible for funding assistance up to a maximum of $5,000 per work placement position.

The program has the right to negotiate the level of funding based on individual employee and employer need.

Employment Supports

In cases where a wage subsidy is not required, or where an employee requires assistance for special needs in addition to a wage subsidy, there may be funding assistance available for employment related supports such as mentoring, job coaching or equipment. Normally up to a maximum of $1,000 per work placement is available for eligible employee support costs. Level and type of support will be determined based on the needs of the individual employee.


Application Forms

Employers must complete an application form for funding assistance.

Applications for the Community Works Program are available at local Canada-Saskatchewan Career and Employment Services offices.

Applications should be submitted directly to the local Canada-Saskatchewan Career and Employment Services office.

Applications will be assessed and approved based on the needs of eligible employees and the value of the project to the community.

Applications will be accepted by the program until all local funding has been committed.

The program has the right to limit the amount of funding to any one employer.

For more information or to request an application form contact your local Career and Employment Service Office

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