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  About Us

The SaskNetWork web site is about helping the people of Saskatchewan connect to the resources they need in the areas of jobs, work, education and training, career planning, self-employment, labour market information, financial help and the workplace.

SaskNetWork works closely with several partners to provide our users with the most current and relevant information available on today's world of work. Some of our partners are:



Navigating SaskNetWork

SaskNetWork is designed to help you find information to answer your post-secondary education, career and employment questions. In order for you to get the most out of SaskNetWork you need to know how to "Navigate" the web site.

SaskNetWork is organized according to the types of users who visit the website to look for work, look for workers, explore Post-secondary education, and find information to develop careers. The 5 main audience groups are Job Seekers, Employers, Entrepreneurs, Learners and Youth.
Under each of these sections users will find information, links and services that specifically address the needs of each of these groups.

You can also use the site map to locate specific pages or information.


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For More Information- Email: sasknetwork@gov.sk.ca
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