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Career Resources
Career Resources includes interactive websites, publications and links to many other useful sites.
This area is under development and we have started with listing a few of the key resources we are associated with. Look to this area for new resources and developments as we continue to research and locate the best resources for our users.
Counsellors and Consultants
Good resources can assist you in your day to day planning and work with clients and students. We have created this collection of resources to assist you in finding what you need quickly. As well we will post articles and information about new developments, tools and continue to grow the list of resources.

Job Seekers
Quick links, new information, and more

Help your child make good career decisions. You can play a role when it comes to researching occupations, looking at Post-Secondary Programs and helping your student create a good financial plan.

Many resources to help you to plan your education and career options.

Resources available through the Career Information Hotline.

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