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ABE/GED/ESL Programs

Listed below are several options available to Saskatchewan residents to complete High School through Adult Basic Education or GED, upgrade for Post-Secondary, and to find ESL and Literacy classes.

Once you've completed your program you'll need your transcripts.

Adult Basic Education and GED Prep

1. Did you leave school before completing Grade 12?

2. Do you wish you were eligible for more jobs or training?

3. Are you at least 18 years of age?

4. Have you been out of school for at least 12 months?

If you answered "yes" to these questions, here's what Basic Education could do for you:

Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST), Regional Colleges, Dumont Technical Insitute (DTI) and Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT) offer a variety of literacy and academic studies programs that can help adults earn the certificate they need to get the jobs or the training they want.

Adult 12 Program

SIAST, DTI, SIIT and Regional Colleges offer an Adult 12 program that provides adult learners with the same Grade 12 standing as students who graduate from Saskatchewan high schools. The program is designed to help adults obtain a Grade 12 credential that is recognized by employers and all post-secondary institutions. To obtain a Grade 12 standing in the Adult 12 program, you will need seven 30-level credits. Credits required include:

English A 30
English B 30
Math at the 30 level
Science at the 30 level

One of:
Social Studies at the 30 level
History 30
Native Studies 30
Two electives, which may include a journeyperson certificate.
The courses you choose will depend on what you want to do after graduation. You may be able to enroll in the Adult 12 program without completing Grade 11. Information from lower level courses has been built into the Adult 12 program to help adult learners successfully complete the program.
You can also take Adult 12 from regular high schools or through the Correpsondence School. However, these courses may not cover information from earlier grades.

If you have obtained 30-level credits through the K-12 system, you may be able to transfer credits to the Adult 12 program.

GED - General Education Development Grade 12 Program

Another way of achieving Grade 12 is through GED Testing. Even though you have not finished high school, you have probably gained knowledge and skills through experiences, reading, and informal training; the GED Tests are five tests in the areas of language arts-writing, language arts-reading, social studies, science, and mathematics. Few questions ask about facts, details or definitions.

Who is eligible to take the test?
Any person who is a resident of Saskatchewan at the time of writing, is ninteen (19) years of age or over, or 18 and out of school for one year, may apply to write the tests provided he/she does not already possess a Saskatchewan Grade 12 High School Certificate or a Saskatchewan GED 12 Certificate.

Learn more about the GED program visit Saskatchewan Advanced Education and Employment Programs branch.

For more information about testing and GED Transcripts call Phone: 787-5597
Or click on the the link below to go directly to the downloadable forms.

Order GED transcripts

BE Adult 10 Program

If you are not ready to enter an Adult 12 program or to prepare for the GED exam, you may wish to register in Basic Education Adult 10 programs offered by SIAST, the Regional Colleges, DTI and SIIT. These programs consist of four subjects - communications, mathematics, science and social studies - and will help you strengthen your reading and writing skills. Students who successfully complete the BE Adult 10 program can go on to other adult education programs or learn a trade.

Technology Supported Learning

Formerly the Saskatchewan Government Correspondance School.

Full Service is available to:

  • students who are unable to obtain the courses they require in the school they are attending; such students may enrol in those courses approved by the principal and superintendent or director of education.
  • students registered with a school division who do not attend a school; such students may enrol in those courses approved by the superintendent or director of education.
  • students 16 years of age or older who are not attending school and are not registered with a school division.

E-mail : dl.info@sasked.gov.sk.ca
Call: 787-6024 or 1-800-667-7166
Fax: 787-7223

Other options for finishing High School can also be found by contacting your local school division.

ESL - English as a Second Language

ESL training is available in many communities throughout the province. SIAST delivers and ESL program through Kelsey and through Wascana

Also available is the LINC program- Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada.

The following Regional College also offers ESL training or LINC training

Cypress Hills Regional College

Other Groups providing ESL and/or LINC

Saskatoon Open Door Society
Regina Open Door Society
Prince Albert Multicultural Council
Moose Jaw Multicultural Council
Immigrant Women of Saskatchewan Regina, Saskatoon, Yorkton

Literacy Program

For adults wishing to improve literacy and numeracy skills, SIAST, Regional Colleges and other community-based organizations (CBOs) offer part-time literacy development programs designed to meet learner's needs. Learners can develop advanced skills to pursue learning opportunities.

Saskatchewan Literacy Commission
1170 - 1801 Hamilton Street

Other Literacy Programs and Services:

Saskatchewan Literacy News
A Saskatchewan publication devoted to the development of literacy skills and awareness.

Search for Literacy Programs in Saskatchewan
Literacy programs are offered throughout Saskatchewan.

National Adult Literacy Database
A excellent site to find literacy programs and services across the country.

High School Transcripts

For High School transcripts including Adult 12
Call Saskatchewan Learning 787-6012
Or visit the website at Saskatchewan Learning

For GED, or Adult 10 transcripts call Programs Branch at 787-5597 or visit the AEE Programs Branch website to download a request for transcripts form

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