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Self Employment - Training Facilitator

The Self Employment Program provides a flexible range of programs, services and supports to assist eligible individuals to develop, implement and operate viable businesses. This program, intended to support participants, may be delivered on an individual basis or in a group setting depending on the region, client demand and client need.

Program Goals and Objectives

Contribute to economic development and job creation through the development of business.

Meet clients’ need for self-employment training.

Eligible Applicants

Public training institutions, Community Futures Development Corporations, Regional Economic Development Authorities, businesses or community based organizations (registered with Corporations Branch, Saskatchewan Justice).

Applicant Qualification
Preference will be given to trainers with the following:

delivery agents with qualified trainers;

practical business operation experience;

significant experience in delivery of self employment training;

knowledge of business development issues, business resources, technical resources;

infrastructure to provide support during business implementation and following completion;

community and industry partnerships;

self employment track record, proven success;

flexible, capable of responding to client needs; can provide group or individual training;

counselling, mentoring and assessment; and

knowledge of and/or access to financing.

Eligible Activities

Self-employment training must assist individuals to become self-sufficient through self employment.

Proposals may include classroom instruction, individual consulting, mentoring, business plan instruction or skill workshops.

Eligible Particpants

Must Be:

a resident of Saskatchewan;

legally entitled to work in Canada;

at least 18 years of age, one year out of school;

in receipt of Saskatchewan Assistance Plan benefits, the Provincial Training Allowance or Employment Insurance eligible;

able to attend and participate full time;

in need of assistance; and

a person with a viable, self sustaining business idea.

Eligible Costs

The following program costs are eligible (all projects will be based on a fee for deliverable service provided to participants):

instructor /facilitator salaries and benefits;

individual coaching/consulting fees;

program coordination;

assessment and selection costs/instruments;

advertising and recruitment costs;

speakers and professional services;

skills training delivered through a third party;

facility and equipment rental costs;

learning materials and supplies;

liability insurance;

special equipment for disabled;

trade show or business launch; and

program participants may receive self-employment supports.

Funding Assistance

Funding to a maximum of $5,000.00 per participant is available.

The program reserves the right to negotiate the level of funding based on the needs of individuals or groups and to limit the amount of funding to any one trainer.

Selection of Applicants

Selection of trainers will be completed through an expression of interest process.

Interested parties should indicate their qualifications (see above Applicant Qualification section).

Applicants must state where in Saskatchewan they wish to deliver training.

Submissions will be evaluated provincially against assessment criteria and a list of qualified trainers will be developed.

Following the expression of interest process, qualified trainers will be requested to submit proposals for specific projects to local Canada-Saskatchewan Career and Employment Service offices.

Proposal Submission Criteria

Qualified applicants will be requested to submit a proposal and application form addressing the following program criteria.

    1. Program Objectives - Describe purpose, objectives and benefits to participants.

    2. Participant Assessment and Selection - Describe assessment tools, selection techniques, reporting of assessment results to funding agency, numbers of participants.

    3. Program Description and Course Content - Describe the course curriculum, skill development, timelines for completion, participant requirements and activities. Describe business consulting, classroom instruction, start and end dates, number of weeks and hours per week of classroom work and field work. Include the cost of each deliverable service.

    4. Training - Describe training methodology.

    5. Support Services - Describe infrastructure and supports available. How participants will access supports when the project is over?

    6. Links to Financing - How will participants be linked to financing?

    7. Participant Evaluation - Describe the system, timelines, and documentation used to evaluate participants. Describe program exit points and contents of an evaluation.

    8. Instructor Qualifications - Describe instructor qualifications, business experience, and self-employment delivery experience.

    9. Applicant Information - Provide relevant information about the organization.

    10. Partnerships - Describe partnerships that support the project.

    11. Program Outcomes - List anticipated results of this program. (i.e. participants who complete the program, start businesses, have operational businesses 6 months post project).

    12. Budget - Provide the cost for each deliverable service. Provide the total cost for the project.

Not all proposals submitted will be approved for funding.

Self Employment - Participant Information

The Self Employment Program provides training and support to assist eligible unemployed individuals develop, implement and operate a viable business. The program involves a flexible range of entrepreneurial training supports and services to help participants establish successful businesses. Training focuses on the research and writing of a business plan, as well as business related skills development.

The Program is a training option for individuals seriously considering self employment. Starting a business takes commitment and skills development to be successful. The program also contributes to economic development and job creation through the development of new businesses.

Program Description

The program includes a participant suitability and needs assessment, business plan development, and skills development such as market research, accounting, financial forecasting, small business management and business finance options.

The Self Employment Program normally involves three phases of training and support: I: Business Plan Development, II: Start-up, and III: Business Operations.

Participants must write their own business plan and begin operating their business during the program.

Program services are intended to support participants based on individual needs, from the initial business idea through to setting up business operations.

Services provided can also include mentor support, technical business advice and follow-up business consulting during the start-up and development of the new business.

Progress reports are completed throughout the program to monitor success.

The program may be delivered on an individual basis or in a small group setting, depending on need and demand.

Program Length

Program training and support is based on individual participant needs to a maximum of 40 weeks.

Participants are required to complete a business plan and begin the operation of their business during the time frame of the program.

Participant Eligibility

To be eligible to take the program you must:

be unemployed;

be legally entitled to work in Canada;

be at least 18 years of age and one year out of school.

have a viable, self sustaining business idea;

be able to participate full time towards developing and setting up the business;

have established a current Employment Insurance (EI) benefit period; received EI benefits within the past 3 years; received maternity or parental benefits within the previous 5 years, or receiving Saskatchewan Assistance Plan benefits; and

not have participated in a Self Employment Program funded by the Province of Saskatchewan or Human Resources Development Canada within the past five years.

Several factors are considered when determining acceptance into the program. These include labour market conditions, previous program participation, personal suitability, and business viability.

Eligible business ideas must be:

full time; year round business idea(s); or seasonal businesses that provide an annual income for the participant to be self-sufficient year round;

Proposals may include classroom instruction, individual consulting, mentoring, business plan instruction or skill workshops.

a new business or an existing business, in which the participant has had no prior ownership; and

a sole proprietorship or partnership where the participant owns 51% or more of the venture.

Businesses that are not eligible include:

a business that a participant owns and has been operating, and a tax return has been filed with Revenue Canada.;

a business where revenue is mainly from commission sales, this includes sales agents;

a business which is family owned;

a business involved in multi-level marketing or pyramid selling;

a business which is a subsidiary of, or financially supported by another company; or

a business operating outside of Saskatchewan.

Income Support

Participants may be eligible for income support from EI or the Skills Training Benefit (STB) ONLY while participating in training.

Provincial Training Allowance (PTA) is available as a last resort, BUT training must meet the PTA program guidelines.

Completion of training or discontinuation in training will affect income support benefits. Participants need to be aware that their business idea must be financially viable within the duration of the program.

Participants may need to consider other potential resources including personal savings, other family sources, or loans from financial institutions.

Participants should discuss their needs with a Career and Employment Consultant.

How to apply:

To find out your eligibility or to apply for the program please contact or visit the local Canada-Saskatchewan Career and Employment Services office nearest you

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