Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Fire Prevention Week 2007
Who Knew?
The development of Community Training Residences and other "halfway house" resources was first initiated in the late 1960s.

Here are some things to look for in your neighbourhood, to help keep it safe.

The following is a list of common signs of illegal activity. Alone, any of these activities or signs may not necessarily mean that drug dealing, drug producing, substance abuse, prostitution or any variety of other illegal activities are occurring on a property. However, a frequency of the following list of activities or a combination of them occurring on a property may indicate a problem.

  • Frequent visitors at all times of the day and night
  • Frequent late night activity
  • Windows blackened or curtains always drawn
  • Visitors with expensive vehicles
  • Unfriendly people who appear to be secretive about their activities
  • People watching cars suspiciously as they pass by
  • Extensive investment in home security
  • Strange odours coming from the house or garbage
  • Garbage that contains numerous bottles and containers, particularly chemical containers
  • Putting garbage out in another neighbour's collection area

If you are suspicious of a property in your neighbourhood, do not investigate it yourself or approach the occupants.

Please call the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigation Unit immediately.

There is an Investigation Unit in both Saskatoon and Regina.

  • Regina office, call (306) 787-0400.
  • Saskatoon office, call (306) 933-8373.
  • Toll free number at 1-866-51-SAFER.

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