Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Fire Prevention Week 2007
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In 1913, a new Regina jail opened with accommodation for 150 inmates. It remains at its current site.
This area delivers a wide range of programs providing for varying levels of offender care, control and supervision. These programs are delivered through two operational systems - Community Operations and Institutional Operations. Corrections programs are administered by six regional offices of Community Corrections, four major correctional centres and ten reduced-custody facilities.
This is a voluntary program that uses victim/offender mediation and community justice forums as ways of providing certain youth with the opportunity to take responsibility for their unlawful behaviour without requiring them to go through the formal Youth Court process.
The Judicial Interim Release program, commonly known as Bail Supervision, provides an alternative to remanding an accused person in custody pending trial/sentencing. Program staff prepares reports for the court to assist in the process of decision making by the Court.
This office provides public protection through the establishment and enforcement of technical safety standards related to the manufacture, installation, and operation of complex pressure equipment in widespread use in all commercial, industrial and institutional sectors within the province. This page provides a variety of links including the Power Engineer's and Fireman's Certificate and examination information.
This area consists of the Building Standards Office and the Office of the Fire Commissioner.
Corrections case management is a four step process, which includes gathering information, assessing the offender's needs and risks, making a plan to address the criminogenic needs, and reviewing the progress of the at regular intervals.
This area consists of information pertaining to Probation Supervision, Conditional Sentence Supervision, Intensive Supervision/Electronic Monitoring, Bail Supervision, Impaired Driver Treatment Program, Fine Option Program, Community Service Order Monitoring, Restitution Order Monitoring, Court Reports and Volunteers in Probation.
This program offers the Court an alternative sanction to incarceration (or some other penalty). Adults and youths to be placed either on a probation order or a conditional sentence that requires them to perform a specific number of hours of community work.
It is a mandatory condition of a Conditional Sentence Order that an offender report to a supervisor as specified in the Criminal Code.
These are six programs that have been designed to assist the offender in the areas of substance abuse, cognitive skills anger management, domestic violence, sexual offender, and to provide a list of community resources
Corrections staff prepare a variety of reports to assist the Court. The major reports include Pre Sentence Reports (PSR), Bail Verification Reports (BVR), Impaired Driver Treatment Placement Reports (I.D.T.P.), and Intensive probation Electronic Monitoring Reports.
This supervision program is a sentencing/interim release option that provides intensive planning with the offenders, high levels of supervision, surveillance and control.
These offices establish and enforce technical safety standards to minimize the potential hazards associated with the transportation and movement of people by complex electrical and mechanical equipment.
An offender that has two years or more to be served from the latest date of sentencing must serve that sentence of incarceration in a Federal Penitentiary.
In accordance with The Fire Prevention Act, 1992, and Regulations, this office provides Saskatchewan communities, fire departments, and emergency service organizations with programs and services that protect people, property and the environment from fire. This page provides a variety of links to information about the Fire Commissioner's Office, fire prevention education, technical services, and fire investigating and reporting.
Helping Saskatchewan Fire Fighters gain International recognition of their skills and knowledge.
Find out more about IFSAC, gaining certification and hosting evaluations.
These two programs apply to contractors, employers, and individuals who provide gas and electrical installation services, and perform such work on behalf of the public and within premises they may own. These programs provide public protection from potential hazards associated with the use of gas and electrical installations
This area consists of information pertaining to Provincial Sentences, Federal Sentences, and Remand and other Hold Sentences.
This is a federal cost-sharing arrangement with Provinces across Canada for emergency preparedness projects. This page links to guidelines, application and claim forms and the list of respective provincial priorities.
This program provides intensive supervision and support to youth in the community between the time of arrest and their first court appearance, between court appearances, and/or while awaiting the outcome of their case.
This area administers a wide range of regulatory, enforcement, and advisory services which provide safety standards to industry and the general public in the areas of boiler and pressure vessel installations, elevator and amusement ride installations, and licensing of persons who install gas and electrical equipment.
Corrections staff use the Offender Risk Assessment Management System (ORAMS), which is an assessment to help predict the offender's risk to re-offend.
Open Custody is ordered by the Youth Court Judge when the youth is assessed as able to be managed safely in the community. Open custody consists of several small residential facilities, along with a province-wide network of community homes. Youth in open custody are encouraged to attend community schools, obtain employment, receive treatment and take part in recreational activities in the community.

There are currently 800 municipal police officers and 1,200 RCMP officers in Saskatchewan.

Policing Services Division maintains public order and safety in Saskatchewan by ensuring that effective policing and private security programs uphold the rule of law and protect the basic rights of individuals.

This program provides meaningful work and related experiences to the inmates of Saskatchewan's correctional facilities. Using a hands on approach, the program is designed to give inmate employees practical skills and a basic work ethic, which will better enable them to obtain and maintain employment in the community after release. Their motto is "Our primary product is people".

The Policing Services Division administers The Private Investigators and Security Guards Act. There are penalties under this Act for unlicensed security guards and private investigators working in Saskatchewan.

Reporting to a probation officer is one of the optional conditions that can be imposed on an offender as specified in the Criminal Code.
This area is responsible for coordinating overall provincial emergency planning, training, and response operations for the safety of the residents and the protection of property and the environment, before, during, and after an emergency or disaster. It is comprised of the following areas of programs and services: Saskatchewan Emergency Management Organization, Public Safety and Sask911, and Building and Fire Safety.
This program provides financial assistance in certain circumstances where there has been a natural disaster, such as flooding, tornadoes, plow winds and severe weather. PDAP does not provide financial assistance for drought losses, fire losses or fire-related costs.
An offender that has less than two years to be served from the latest date of sentencing shall serve that sentence of incarceration in a provincial correctional centre.
This area provides special staff to assist municipal governments to coordinate disaster preparedness planning and to coordinate operations. This page provides a variety of links to information about community preparedness, training and education, municipal training, a general application form, and the 2006-07 Training Calendar.
If you are interested in becoming a Corrections Worker, this page will provide you with the types of positions that are available and the information where to apply for them.
An offender that has been remanded before a Judge is held in a provincial correctional centre remand unit until the next court date. These offenders are generally waiting to appear at trial. However, they may at the same time be under a sentence or may be convicted and being held pending a sentencing hearing.
Restitution orders are generally a condition of a probation or conditional sentence order.

The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act will improve community safety by targeting and, if necessary, shutting down residential and commercial buildings and land that are habitually used for illegal activities.

This area provides support and management to the Sask911 initiative to bring province-wide access to 9-1-1 emergency calling. This page provides a variety of links to information including a coverage area map, the use of cellular phones and pay phones, an implementation schedule, line fees, and training and education.
The role of this area is to maintain the Provincial Emergency Plan and related contingencies as part of their provincial preparedness program to deal with events that may affect government operations. It also includes the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP) and links to federally-funded training and education courses.

This is the provincial government plan where one or more Ministries, Crown corporations or agencies are responsible to respond to emergencies and disasters.

This program gives people the opportunity to settle fines by doing unpaid, supervised community service work rather than paying cash.
This program provides intervention for persons convicted of a second or subsequent drinking and driving offence, with a goal of reducing repeat incidents of drinking and driving.

The Ministry of Correction, Public Safety and Policing is the lead agency on public safety and security in the province, including concerns about terrorism and what is being done to prepare for emergencies.

Protection and Emergency Services provides a provincial coordination and administration role in ground search and rescue activities. Search and rescue volunteers may be called upon to assist police agencies in searching for missing/lost persons or to provide support to local communities during emergencies and disasters.
Secure Custody is ordered by the Youth Court Judge when the youth is assessed as posing a potential risk to the safety and well-being of the community, or when the youth has a history of breeching the rules of a youth custody facility. In secure custody, access to the community is restricted or removed for a period of time.
Community-based orders include probation, deferred custody, community supervision, and conditional supervision. Young persons placed on these orders are supervised in accordance with their assessed level or risk to re-offend.

Information for Canadian residents travelling by air on domestic or international carriers.

The purpose of the volunteer probation officer's job is to develop a relationship with a probationer and, through it, assist that individual to fulfill the conditions of the probation order, and to develop and maintain a lifestyle that is within the confines of the law.
This area is responsible for young offender programs and services in our province. These youth who offend are held accountable through Secure and Open Custody, Alternative Measures, Judicial Interim Release, and Supervision of Community-based Orders.

The purpose of this program is to deter those who cruise our streets and neighbourhoods in vehicles for the purpose of buying sexual services through vehicle impoundment.

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