Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
In 1908, the Attorney Generals department adopted a policy for private civil rights to "lease the matter of giving legal advice to the various solicitors of the province."

600-1874 Scarth St., Regina SK   S4P 4B3
Phone: (306) 787-5481  Fax: (306) 787-0078

The Aboriginal and Northern Justice Initiatives (ANJI) is one of four branches that make up the Community Justice Division at the Department of Justice. ANJI was formed in 2000 to help the Department:
  • initiate justice reform measures that effectively respond to Aboriginal and northern community issues;
  • build community trust and confidence in the justice system; and
  • establish positive working relationships between the Department of Justice and Aboriginal and northern communities.


The mandate of the Branch includes:

  • providing Aboriginal and northern program and policy advice in order to:
    • ensure that the needs of Aboriginal and northern people are effectively addressed in existing and proposed activities;
    • identify areas where departmental capacity requires enhancement; and
    • facilitate the self-empowerment of Aboriginal and northern communities to address crime, victimization and preventive issues;
  • identifying areas of particular challenge within the Justice system, gathering information to clarify the nature of these challenges, and identifying existing best practices and realistic options for addressing them;
  • providing strategic co-ordination between reform activities initiated within the Branch and those initiated across the department, and within other relevant agencies;
  • initiating and participating in interdepartmental and intergovernmental collaboration on Aboriginal Justice reform; and
  • initiating and participating in activities that will build positive relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities.

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