Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
In 1907, Supreme Court Judges were paid $7,000 per year and district and surrogate judges were paid $6,000 per year.

900-1874 Scarth Street
Regina SK   S4P 4B3
Phone: (306) 787-5224
Fax: (306) 787-0581

Saskatchewan Justice Civil Law Division provides legal services to the departments, agencies, boards and commissions of the Government of Saskatchewan.

Role of the Civil Law Division:

  • provides general legal advice to government;
  • provides legal opinions on interpretations of legislation, Crown liability from government activities and civil legal problems from government programs;
  • acts as counsel, on behalf of the Crown, in lawsuits;
  • assists the Family Justice Services Branch with enforcement of Maintenance Orders, filed under The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Act, 1997, on behalf of the claimants;
  • assists client departments and agencies with the development of policy and programs;
  • assists in the preparation of drafting instructions, new legislation and amendments to statutes;
  • prepares reports for the Minister of Justice;
  • provides educational and preventive law services;
  • prepares legal documents for client departments and agencies;
  • assists the Department of Labour with the enforcement of employee wage claims under The Labour Standards Act; and
  • acts as counsel to the Department of Community Resources for matters under The Child and Family Services Act.


Providing legal advice
The Civil Law Division provides legal advice exclusively for government departments, agencies, boards and commissions.

If you need legal advice look in the Yellow Pages under Lawyers, or contact the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan (PLEA). The Law Society of Saskatchewan also offers a lawyer referral service.

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