Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
In 1915, under the Scott government, all bars and club licenses were to be abolished and a public prosecutor was appointed to follow up and charge individuals and businesses for non-compliance.

Suite 816, Sturdy Stone Building
122 - 3rd Ave. N., Saskatoon SK S7K 2H6
Phone: (306) 933-5952 Fax: (306) 933-7863
Telewriter: 306-373-2119
TOLL FREE: 1-800-667-9249 (Sask. only)

Suite 301, 1942 Hamilton St., Regina SK S4P 2C5
Phone: (306) 787-2530 Fax: (306) 787-0454
Telewriter: 306-787-8550
TOLL FREE: 1-800-667-9249 (Sask. only)

The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission administers The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code. The Commission investigates and settles human rights complaints. It promotes human rights through public education, research and equity programs. It is illegal to discriminate in matters of employment, education, public services, housing, contracts, publications, professional associations and trade unions on the basis of:

  • age (18-64);
  • creed or religion;
  • family status;
  • marital status;
  • nationality, ancestry, or place of origin;
  • physical or mental disability;
  • race or colour;
  • receipt of public assistance;
  • sex (includes sexual harassment and pregnancy discrimination); and
  • sexual orientation.

© 2008 Government of Saskatchewan. All rights reserved.