Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
The Saskatchewan government abandoned the prohibition and temperance movement in 1925, but continued to control the wholesale distribution of alcohol.

200, 2208 Scarth Street
Regina SK S4P 2J6
Phone: (306) 352-1121
Fax: (306) 757-9987

The Legal Profession Act, 1990 requires lawyers who receive or hold money in trust for clients to deposit this money in an interest-bearing account that is held in trust for the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan, a non-profit organization.

The Law Foundation then uses this fund for the benefit of the people of Saskatchewan by putting it towards:

  • legal education;
  • legal research;
  • legal aid;
  • law libraries; and
  • law reform.


Who benefits from the Law Foundation's fund?
Some of the organizations that have received grants are the:

  • Public Legal Education Association
  • College of Law, University of Saskatchewan;
  • Saskatchewan Legal Education Society;
  • Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission;
  • Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan;
  • Salvation Army;
  • Elizabeth Fry Society; and the
  • Saskatoon Sexual Assault and Information Centre.


What is the history of the Foundation?
The Law Foundation concept originated in Australia in 1967. Canada was the second country to take the initiative. The Law Foundation of British Columbia was established in 1969. The other provinces followed shortly after. Saskatchewan's Law Foundation was created in 1971.

The Law Foundations in the United States, under the umbrella of the Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTA), began in 1981. The concept of Law Foundations has since been accepted in a number of other countries.

Who are the members of the Saskatchewan Law Foundation?

  • The Minister of Justice or his/her designate;
  • Two people appointed by the Minister (at least one must not be a member of the law society); and
  • Four people, appointed by benchers, who are members of the law society.


The Chair of the Law Foundation is appointed by the Law Society.

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