Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?

In 1907, The District Courts Act was passed and created eight judicial districts in Cannington, Moosomin, Yorkton, Regina, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and, Battleford.

Incorporation Process 

Why do organizations incorporate?

  • To have a formal structure under which to operate;
  • To hold title to land;
  • To qualify for grants or funding;
  • To apply for a bingo or lottery license; and
  • To limit the personal liability of members.


How do I incorporate in Saskatchewan?

The following forms must be completed in ink and sent to the Corporations Branch with the appropriate fees. Forms may be faxed or mailed. (200, 1871 Smith Street, Regina SK, S4P 4W5, Fax 306-787-8999)

  • Articles of Incorporation;
  • Notice of Registered Office;
  • Notice of Directors; and
  • Request for Name Search and Reservation.


Do I have to hire an accountant or lawyer to incorporate?

The Corporations Branch cannot provide advice about whether you should incorporate or what type of non-profit corporation would be best for you. You should contact a lawyer to discuss your legal concerns or an accountant to discuss your financial concerns.

I have filed the forms to incorporate and paid the fees. What happens next?

All documents are placed in the order they are received and checked to see if they have been completed properly and do not violate any provision of The Non-Profit Corporations Act, 1995. Once the documents have been approved, a Certificate of Incorporation is issued, attached to the duplicate Articles of Incorporation and returned to you for your records.

Your corporation will be incorporated effective the date all correctly completed forms and fees are received. You may also request a later incorporation date.

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