Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division


The Division is organized into five branches:

Policy and Legislation Branch

Registration Branch

Corporate Finance Branch

Legal Branch

Enforcement Branch






Policy and Legislation Branch - Develops new legislation and regulatory instruments.  Deals with:

  • National and Local Instruments
  • National and Local Policies
  • National and Local Notices
  • Legislation
  • Administrative matters

Registration Branch
The Securities Act, 1988 requires  that anyone selling a security or exchange contract be registered as a dealer or a salesperson.  Anyone giving advice about a security or exchange contract must also register as an adviser or as an employee of an adviser.

The registration provisions of the Act and The Securities Regulations are intended to ensure that only honest and knowledgeable people are registered to sell securities.  Individuals must meet certain educational and experience standards to become registered.

The legislation is also aimed at ensuring that dealers are financially stable and deal fairly with their clients.  The Regulations contain detailed requirements for capital, bonding, insurance, and business records and practices that apply to dealers and advisers.

The Registration Branch reviews and processes applications for registration as dealers and advisers.  The dealer categories include investment dealers, mutual fund dealers and scholarship plan dealers.  The adviser categories include investment counsel,  portfolio managers and securities advisers.   Individuals can be registered as salespersons, trading officers of dealers and employees of advisers.  The branch also processes applications for unique Saskatchewan categories including mineral lease brokers, deposit agents and securities issuers.

The branch deals with:

  • Initial registration and termination of registration
  • Bond requirements
  • Transfers
  • Deposit Agents

Corporate Finance Branch - Reviews documents by which companies sell their securities to ensure that basic merit standards are met and there is proper disclosure about investments being sold. Ensures that public companies report to their shareholders and the Commission about their ongoing operations. Deals with:

  • Prospectus filings and reviews
  • Annual financial statements
  • Interim financial statements
  • Annual information forms
  • Annual and interim MD&A
  • Certificates of non-default
  • Reporting issuers listing
  • Issuers in default of filing requirements
  • Continuous disclosure cease trade orders
  • Material change reports
  • Insider reports
  • Press releases
  • Notices of annual meeting
  • Tracking issuers and stock certificates
  • Continuous disclosure reviews
  • NI 45-106 offering memorandum reviews

Legal Branch - Reviews applications for exemption from the registration and prospectus requirements, and in appropriate circumstances recommends that the Director grant exemptions. Processes statutory exemption and take-over bid filings. Provides legal advice and services to other branches and represents staff at hearings.

  • Hearings
  • Applications for discretionary exemptions
  • National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions
  • Take-over bids and issuer bids
  • Early warning reports
  • Rights offerings

Enforcement Branch - Investigates complaints and apply legal sanctions to those who have violated The Securities Act, 1988, the regulations, or industry standards. Deals with:

  • Complaints of misconduct
  • Hearings
  • Cease trade orders
  • Revocation of cease trade orders