Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
In 1907, Supreme Court Judges were paid $7,000 per year and district and surrogate judges were paid $6,000 per year.


  • December

Dec. 301998 Queen's Counsel Appointments
Dec. 15Winegarden Appointed to Human Rights Commission
Dec. 1Canadian and United States Law Enforcement Officials Meet at Erasing Borders Seminar

  • November

Nov. 30Consumer Affairs Ministers Team Up to Combat Fraud and Scams
Nov. 5Aboriginal Resource Officer Program Announced
Nov. 2Northeastern Communities to Receive Victims Services

  • October

Oct. 29Bird Inquest to be Held November 4, 1998
Oct. 27Network Assists Victims of Crime in 600 Communities
Oct. 23Saskatchewan to Host Federal/Provincial/Territorial Meeting of Ministers of Justice
Oct. 20 Nilson Pays Tribute to Retired Chief Justice, Brian Dickson
Oct. 13Saskatchewan to Participate in Firearms Reference to the Supreme Court of Canada
Oct. 8Inquest Called into Engdahl Death
Oct. 2$4.3 Million Provincial Courthouse to be Constructed in Prince Albert

  • September

Sept. 23Consumers Cautioned About Paying Advance Fees for Loans
Sept. 21Premier Romanow Announces Major Cabinet Shuffle
Sept. 17Rosemary Weisgerber Appointed Provincial Court Judge
Sept. 17Clifford Toth Appointed Provincial Court Judge
Sept. 11Inmate Inquest September 25, 1998
Sept. 11Provincial Support for Consumers' Association of Canada
Sept. 9Langgard to Co-ordinate Serious Crime and SHOCAP Programs

  • July

July 15Province Transfers Firearms Administration to Federal Government
July 8Support For Changes to Justice System
July 3Mathiason Inquest to Begin September 8

  • June

June 4Provincial Funding for Prince Albert Aboriginal Family Violence Programs
June 1Appointments to Saskatchewan Police Commission Announced

  • May

May 29Exemplary Corrections Service Honoured
May 21Provincial Funding for the Battlefords Aboriginal Family Violence Program
May 20Pilot One-Stop Business Registration System Launched
May 19Anderson Inquest To Begin June 8
May 14Province Announces $250,000 in Crime Prevention Funding
May 11Credit Union Act Introduced
May 7Provincial Funding for Yorkton Aboriginal Family Violence Programs
May 5 Consumers Cautioned About Paying Advance Fees for Loans
May 1$1.1 Million Investment in Public Prosecutions to Support Safe Communities

  • April

April 30Starblanket Inquest May 4
April 30Provincial Funding for Saskatoon Aboriginal Family Violence Programs
April 23New Provincial Court Act Introduced
April 23$1.1 Million to Crack Down on Young Offenders
April 20Provincial Funding for Aboriginal Family Violence Programs
April 15Land Project RFP to be Released This Week
April 9Kinequon Inquest April 21
April 9Dennis Inquest April 24

  • March

March 31Workshops to Discuss Custody and Access Issues Announced
March 30Saskatchewan Establishes Serious Crime Task Force
March 26Mathiason Inquest Announced
March 16Taniskishayinew Inquest April 2
March 16 Marty Irwin Appointed Provincial Court Judge
March 5Milgaard Receives Second Interim Payment
March 4Turpel-Lafond Appointed Provincial Court Judge
March 2New Victims Services Program Opened in Prince Albert Region

  • February

Feb. 23Genereaux Inquest March 9
Feb. 17Saskatchewan Appears Before the Supreme Court of Canada in the Federal Government's Quebec Secession Reference
Feb. 12Changes to Improve Access to Small Claims Court Come Into Effect
Feb. 11 New Victims Services Program Established in Lloydminster Region
Feb. 10Carey Inquest February 27
Feb. 5Palin Inquest February 24
Feb. 4Saskatchewan Calls for Changes to the Young Offenders Act

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