Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
In 1915, under the Scott government, all bars and club licenses were to be abolished and a public prosecutor was appointed to follow up and charge individuals and businesses for non-compliance.


  • December

December 31 Aikens Inquest
December 30Queen's Counsel Appointments
December 30New Changes regulate Fund-Raising Businesses
December 23Membership of Auto Injury Appeal Commission Named
December 19New Farm Ownership Rules Effective January 1st
December 13Forty-three New Police Officers for Saskatchewan
December 9New Constituency Boundaries Legislation Introduced
December 9Keepness Inquest

  • November

November 22Crowe Inquest
November 22Stochmal Inquest
November 21New Legal Aid Chair
November 19Turchenek Inquest
November 13Duane Bauman Inquest
November 1New Estevan Judge Appointed

  • October

October 28Victims Services Commemorates 10-Years
October 22Vandall Inquest
October 22Pokjowy Inquest
October 22Laderoute Inquest
October 1New Tools to Protect Children

  • July

July 30Rendek Appointed as Acting Information and Privacy Commissioner
July 22McMillan Inquest
July 3Anaquod Inquest

  • June

June 26Province introduces changes to Farm Security Act

  • May

May 31Conflict of Interest Act Amended
May 30Date set for Bigsky Inquest
May 21Date Set for Dillon Inquest
May 14New Changes Regulate Fund-Raising Businesses
May 10New Regina Judge Appointed
May 10New Saskatoon Judge Appointed
May 6New Judge for Moose Jaw
May 6Police Seize Johns' Vehicles

  • April

April 17Laws enforcing out-of-province child support
April 16Enforcing child support payments
April 12Protecting consumers seeking loans
April 11Legislation protects vulnerable adults
April 10 Protecting Retirement Plans of Self-Employed
April 9 Protection from unscrupulous collection agents
April 8Protecting Internet Consumers
April 3Pension Restrictions Removed

  • March

March 2726 New Policing Positions
March 19Protecting victims of crime
March 18Perpetrators' vehicles to be seized
March 8Couples urged to update wills

  • February

February 25Inquest ordered in McMillan's Death
February 14National Sex Offender Registry
February 4Inquest ordered in Bigsky's Death

  • January

January 31Task Force Strategy Targets Car Thieves
January 23Date set for Johnson inquest

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