Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?

In 1907, the Supreme Court Judges were the Honourable E.L. Wetmore as Chief Justice and judges H.W. Newlands, J.S.P. Prendergast, T.C. Johnson, and J.H. Lamont.

The Support Variation Project will facilitate variation requests where:
  • the request is for variation of child support;
  • one of the parents lives in Saskatchewan and fits within the program's income limits;
  • the current order or agreement is registered in a Saskatchewan court;
    the order is not under appeal;
  • there is no ongoing appeal of any matrimonial order or judgment;
  • there is no domestic violence concern;
  • there has been no previous application to Support Variation Project within the last six months;
  • the support arrears have not been previously dealt with by a court or by a formal agreement; and
  • the ongoing court application is or will be adjourned.

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